It is obligatory upon every accountable person to believe correctly in Allāh and in the messenger

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

It is obligatory upon every accountable person to believe correctly in Allāh and in the messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. It is the best and most important of obligations. Believing in Allāh correctly is to have the complete certain conviction that God exists according to what befits Him.  He exists without a doubt in His existence, without a how, volume,…

It is invalid for God to be attributed with a created attribute

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

It is invalid for God to be attributed with a created attribute The 13 attributes of Allāh that every accountable person is obligated to know. The first attribute of these attributes is Existence which means that Allāh exists and He does not resemble the creations.  He exists without a beginning and without an end and without a place just as…

Ibnus-sayyid البطليوسي (521 H) a major Andalusian scholar, said about clearing Allāh from attributes of imperfection: “And among what those who say God is a body are mistaken about also, is their interpretation of the verse that says Allāh is the guide of

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Ibnus-sayyid البطليوسي (521 H) a major Andalusian scholar, said about clearing Allāh from attributes of imperfection: “And among what those who say God is a body are mistaken about also, is their interpretation of the verse that says Allāh is the guide of the heavens and the earth because they imagined that their lord is an illumination. Some of those…

[ About the (Kuhul) of messenger of Allah peace be upon him ]

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

The characteristics of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him [ About the (Kuhul) of messenger of Allah peace be upon him ] (Imam at-Tirmidhiyy) said: (Muhammad the son of Humayd ar-Raziyy) reported to me that he reported from the (father of Dawood at-Tayalisiyy) that he reported from (^Abaad the son of Mansour) that he reported from (^Ikrima) that he reported…

Allāh’s knowledge has no beginning. All of Allāh’s attributes have no beginning and no end and change does not occur to Him

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Allāh’s knowledge has no beginning.  All of Allāh’s attributes have no beginning and no end and change does not occur to Him The author may God have mercy upon him said “Allāh revealed that His knowledge encompasses everything. The explanation:  Allāh knows everything, nothing is hidden from him.  Allāh’s knowledge has no beginning.  All of His attributes have no beginning…

Allāh knows with His eternal knowledge the count of all things.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Allāh knows with His eternal knowledge the count of all things. The author may Allāh have mercy upon him said the verse وأحصى كل شيء عددا means that Allāh The Exalted knew with His eternal knowledge the count of all things.  He knew that before He created any of the creations just as Allāh revealed in Surah Al-Jinn وأحصى كل…

Allāh is free from being attributed with the attributes of creations that are known to us and attributes of creations that are not known to us. He does not resemble anything in anyway and He is attributed with hearing and sight.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Allāh is free from being attributed with the attributes of creations that are known to us and attributes of creations that are not known to us.  He does not resemble anything in anyway and He is attributed with hearing and sight. The author, may Allāh have mercy upon him, said mentioning some of the attributes of Allāh: “Allāh is alive…

Allāh Is Cleared From All Bodily Attributes

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Allāh Is Cleared From All Bodily Attributes Allāh, The Exalted, revealed about His prophet peace be upon him in the verse of Al-Isrā’ what means “to show him from our signs”, this means that Allāh showed His honorable prophet the wonders of what He created in the upper world in order to honor him, peace be upon him. It is…

Allāh does whatever He wills.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Allāh does whatever He wills. The author may Allāh have mercy upon him said Allāh does whatever He wills and this means that Allāh changes His creations in accordance to His Eternal Will which is not subject to change.  Therefore whoever fulfills all the obligations and refrains from all the sin then that is because Allāh willed for that person…

Al-Bayhaqiyy says Allāh created all slaves’ actions

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Al-Bayhaqiyy says Allāh created all slaves’ actions Al-Bayhaqiyy said in his book Al-Qadar when mentioning the evidence for this case that everything the slave does from good or evil is by Allāh’s Will and Creating.  He mentions that some people mentioned to Lady ^Aa’ishah “you went out to Basrah” and so she said this was destiny.  She regretted what she…