The Judge ^Abdul Wahhāb Al-Baghdādiyy Al-Mālikiyy, may Allāh have mercy on him, said in the explanation of the creed of Imām Mālik, may Allāh raise his rank: “And it is not permissible to confirm an attribute of a creation to Allāh

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

The Judge ^Abdul Wahhāb Al-Baghdādiyy Al-Mālikiyy, may Allāh have mercy on him, said in the explanation of the creed of Imām Mālik, may Allāh raise his rank: “And it is not permissible to confirm an attribute of a creation to Allāh because the religion did not narrate that and because that goes back to moving from place to place and…

The Symbol Of Guidance Abū Mansūr Al-Māturīdiyy said: “Lifting the hands to the sky is an act of worship. Allāh orders His slaves to worship Him with whatever He wills and He makes them face to wherever He wills.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

The Symbol Of Guidance Abū Mansūr Al-Māturīdiyy said:  “Lifting the hands to the sky is an act of worship.  Allāh orders His slaves to worship Him with whatever He wills and He makes them face to wherever He wills. The symbol of guidance ,the Imām Abū Mansūr Al-Māturīdiyy (Died 333 H) in his refutation of those who resemble God to…

What The True Sufis Say About The One Who Says “This Universe Is Allāh”

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

What The True Sufis Say About The One Who Says “This Universe Is Allāh” The question:  What do the true sufis masters say about the one who says: “This universe is Allāh,” or the one who says: “Our master Muhammad is Allāh” or what some people  say: “Our master Muhammad is the actual self of Allāh.”? The Answer:  All of…

the Prophet, may peace be upon him, said money is a blessing for the pious Muslim who acquires it from a halal way and spends it doing good.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Fellow muslims fear Allah and do not let the temptations of this life, and money preoccupy you and distract you from working towards the good things that Allah prepared for you in the Hereafter, which are surely better than what this life has to offer. The Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم, as was narrated in Sahih Muslim likened the desire…

Loving the messenger is an obligation upon every accountable person.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Fellow Muslims, Today we discuss a great matter, loving the last messenger Muhammad, the best messenger Muhammad, the best creation Muhammad, صلى الله عليه وسلم may Allah raise his honorable rank and increase his status and protect his nation from what he feared for them. Dear brothers, know that we love and honor the Prophet as we are ordered in…

our Master ^Aliyy said, “Learn and teach your families the good”, meaning the knowledge of the religion.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

in al-Qur’an the believers are ordered to save themselves and their families from Hellfire which is fueled by people and stones. Allah said: يا أيها الذين ءامنوا قوا أنفسكم وأهليكم نارا وقودها الناس والحجارة When explaining this ayah our Master ^Aliyy said, “Learn and teach your families the good”, meaning the knowledge of the religion. Dear Muslim brothers, it is…

it is stated that the one who follows a path other than the path of what the Muslim scholars agreed on then such a person will be subject to the severe torture in hell fire

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Fellow Muslims, I advise myself and all of you to fear Allah and obey Him. Thereafter, Allah said in the Qur’an: {ومن يشاقق الرسول من بعد ما تبيّن له الهدى ويتبع غير سبيل المؤمنين نولِّه ما تولّى ونُصلِه جهنم وساءت مصيرا} In this verse it is stated that the one who follows a path other than the path of what…

Our master ^Aliyy was paid allegiance as the caliphate in the month of Dhil Hijjah in the year 35 after Hijrah

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Fellow Muslims, the honorable Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said what means that the Muslims should be keen to abide by his straight and correct path, and the path of the righteous guided caliphs after him. The best of the companions are the first four caliphs: Abu Bakr, ^Umar, ^Uthman, and ^Aliyy, may Allah raise their ranks. Altogether, their caliphates…

on the blessed day of ^Idul-Adha, the Prophet peace be upon him encouraged the muslims to slaughter.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

Fellow Muslims, on the blessed day of ^Idul-Adha, the Prophet peace be upon him encouraged the muslims to slaughter.  He said what means: “Slaughter with acceptance of this deed; for any muslim who directs the animal he’s slaughtering towards the Qiblah then its blood and its farth and its wool will all be good deeds in his scale on the…

Tears roll down missing Makkah, Mina, and ^Arafah and wanting to take part in the acts of hajj performed therein.

English Text By Feb 11, 2017

    Fellow Muslims, we eagerly await witnessing a marvelous sight in the coming days. A sight that stands as a proof of our unity. Muslims of many different races and languages gather under the banner of tawhid. This banner that brings them together on one land supplicating to the Lord, Allah who no one is God but Him. Muslims…