The Caliph Hisham said: “Who would debate this one (Ghaylan) who carries the creed of the Qadariyyah?” The people said: “Al-Awza^iyy”.

ثم بعد وفاة عمر بن عبد العزيز رضي الله عنه وفي خلافة هشام بن عبد الملك عاد غيلان ينشط بدعوة القدرية، فقال له هشام: ” أنت تتكلم في القدر؟” قال: “نعم يا أمير المؤمنين، إن شئت اجمعني بشخص يناظرني”. فقال هشام: “من لهذا القدري؟ ” قالوا: “ليس له إلا الأوزاعي” وكان يسكن مشارف بيروت وهو من أكابر العلماء. الخليفة أرسل…

Al-Awza^iyy used to perform lots of acts of worship, pray plenty , was God-fearing, and used to stay silent for lengthy periods.

Miscellaneous By May 31, 2018

الأوزاعي رحمه الله كان صالحًا تقيًا، قال عنه ابن عساكر: كان الأوزاعي كثير العبادة حسن الصلاة، ورعًا، طويل الصمت. وكان رضي الله عنه كثير البكاء والتهجد والابتهال في دعائه، ولم يُرَ قط ضاحكًا يقهقه بل كان غاية ذلك أن يبتسم، وكان لا يبكي في مجلسه، فإذا دخل بيته كان يبكي حتى يشفق عليه. ويروى أَنَّ امرأة دخلت على امرأة الإمام…

Lady Maryam’s Story

English Text By May 31, 2018

Lady Maryam’s Story • Allah said in Soorat Maryam, 22: فَحَمَلَتْهُ فَانتَبَذَتْ بِهِ مَكَانًا قَصِيًّا Lady Maryam became pregnant with Allah’s endowment (i.e., Prophet `Eesaa) and she was 13, or 10, or 20 years old. When Lady Maryam felt pregnant she ran away from her people for being afraid of shameful blame. Lady Maryam stayed away from her family and…

The Advent of Jesus, peace be upon him

English Text By May 31, 2018

The Advent of Jesus, peace be upon him Maryam and her Family • Allah said in Soorat Maryam, 27: فَأَتَتْ بِهِ قَوْمَهَا تَحْمِلُهُ After Lady Maryam was clear from postpartum bleeding she returned to her people carrying Prophet `Eesaa, mercy and peace be upon him. • Soorat Maryam, 27: قَالُوا يَا مَرْيَمُ لَقَدْ جِئْتِ شَيْئًا فَرِيًّا When they saw him…

Famous Women In Islam Asma’ and ‘Aisha

Miscellaneous By May 31, 2018

Famous Women In Islam Asma’ and ‘Aisha They are both Abu Bakr as-Sidiq’s daughters. They grew up in a highly esteemed household and were great examples and leaders among the women. Lady Asma’ was older than Lady Aisha by about ten years, and they are siblings with the same father but different mothers. Lady Aisha was the Prophet’s wife, so…

Imam alJunayd said: AtTawheed is to distinguish the Enternal (ie, Allah) from created things.

English Text By May 31, 2018

قال شيخ الاسلام القطب الغوث الاكبر الامام السيد احمد الرفاعي رضى الله عنه ونفعنا به: كل دين لم يحط بالعقل فليس بدين وكل عقل لم يحط بالدِّين فليس بعقل. اي ليس بعقل كامل. The Shaykh of Islam the great pillar of Islam the greater source of rescue the imam and the  master Ahmad arRifaa’iyy, may Allah raise his rank and…

The truth is that Mixing between men and women of two (2) categories : 1- A permissible way 2- A haram way

English Text By May 31, 2018

In this era, and in some countries, some people have exaggerated in the case of men and women meeting in one place. They made forbidden what Allah did not . They said it is haram for men and women to meet in one place, even if there were a third person, even if there was no touching, and even if…

The story of Khalid and the Hair of the Prophet

English Text By May 28, 2018

The story of Khalid and the Hair of the Prophet More than 1400 years ago, near the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), there was a great fighter Khalid Ibn al-Walid. Once Khalid Ibn al-Walid lost a headgear (qalansuwah) that Muslims wear on their heads like a hat, and he wore during a Battle called the…