Integrals of the Two Speeches (Khutbahs)

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Integrals of the Two Speeches (Khutbahs) (The speaker must observe the following) five (integrals of the two speeches:) (1.) The first integral is (To say al-hamdu lillah in both speeches;) by saying Alhamdulillah, or lillahil-hamd, or the like.   (2.) The second integral is (To perform the Salah ^alan-Nabiyy, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, in both speeches;) by saying, “sallallahu ala…

The conditions of the Friday Prayer) i.e. the conditions for the validity of the Friday Prayer, (are:) four matters

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

(The conditions of the Friday Prayer) i.e. the conditions for the validity of the Friday Prayer, (are:) four matters.   (1.) The first of which is (The setting in of Dhuhr Prayer time;) If the time of Dhuhr has ended, he makes it up as Dhuhr prayer. (2.) The second condition is that (The aforementioned forty inhabitants must hear) the…

The Congregational Prayer (Jama^ah)) in the five obligatory prayers (is a communal obligation (fard kifayah

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

(The Congregational Prayer (Jama^ah)) in the five obligatory prayers (is a communal obligation (fard kifayah) upon the free, residing, pubescent, sane and unexcused males.) Hence, it is not an obligation on women, slaves, travelers, those who are not pubescent, and others among the individuals who have an excuse which makes the congregational prayer no longer an obligation on them, like…

Elucidating the conditions for the getting reward from Allah tabaraka wa ta^ala for one’s prayer

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Elucidating the conditions for the getting reward from Allah tabaraka wa ta^ala for one’s prayer/ for his prayer to be accepted by Allah tabaraka wa ta^ala. (In addition to what has been mentioned,) among the conditions (prayer is rewardable by Allah subhanah,) i.e. for it to be accepted so one gets/receiveS reward from Allah, (if the following conditions are satisfied:…

Elucidating the invalidators of prayer

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Elucidating the invalidators of prayer.   (Prayer is invalidated by: 1. Talking) i.e. among what is from the speech of the people, not supplication (du^a) or (dhikr-praising Allah) or reciting Quran, i.e. if the person praying spoke intentionally while remembering being aware that he was in prayer, with knowledge of the impermissibility of talking in prayer (even if it) his…

Elucidating other conditions among the conditions of prayer, facing Ka^bah and setting in of the prayer time

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Elucidating other conditions among the conditions of prayer, facing Ka^bah and setting in of the prayer time. (Among the conditions) of the validity (of prayer are: 1. To direct one’s chest towards the) structure of the (Qiblah;) i.e. the Ka^bah and that which is vertically parallel to its structure in a line to the seventh sky or to the seventh…

Among the conditions of) the validity of (prayer is to be clear of najas-filth

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

(Among the conditions of) the validity of (prayer is to be clear of najas-filth in one’s body,) even the interior of the nose and mouth, (clothes, place of prayer,) i.e. the place which touches his body from the ground, (and what one carries in prayer, such as a bottle) with najas-filth in it or a najas-filthy paper (carried in one’s…

The person who) is in the state of minor ritual impurity by having (invalidated his wudu’ is prohibited from performing) four matters

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

The person who) is in the state of minor ritual impurity by having (invalidated his wudu’ is prohibited from performing) four matters. One of those four is performing (prayer,) whether it was the obligatory or the rewardable (sunnah) prayer, even if it was the Funeral Prayer. Secondly, such a person is prohibited from (circumambulating the Ka^bah,) whether it was the…