The Miracle’s Substantiation of the Truthfulness of the Prophet and its Definitiveness and Certainty

English Text By Jul 02, 2015

The Miracle’s Substantiation of the Truthfulness of the Prophet and its Definitiveness and Certainty The supernatural matter that occurs for the one who claims Prophethood when challenged, without any possible opposition by something similar to it, is as if Allah Said, “My slave is truthful in everything that he conveyed from Me.” This means that had it not been that…

The Miracle of Al-Isra’ and Al-Mi^raj

English Text By Jul 02, 2015

The Miracle of Al-Isra’ and Al-Mi^raj Among his Miracles are Al-Isra’ and Al-Mi^raj. Isra’, which was the Night Journey, is confirmed by the explicit documentation of the Qur’an and the authentic hadith, so it is obligatory to believe that Allah Made him take a night journey from Makkah to Al-Masjidu-l-Aqsa. As for the Ascension into the sky, it was confirmed…

Some Miracles of our Master Muhammad and Miracles That Took Place for Those Who Came before Our Master Muhammad ﷺ

English Text By Jul 02, 2015

Some Miracles of our Master Muhammad and Miracles That Took Place for Those Who Came before Our Master Muhammad ﷺ Among the examples of Miracles that took place for those who came before Muhammad ﷺ is the great fire’s lack of effect on Ibrahim [Abraham], in such a way that it did not burn him or his clothing.  Among them is…

What is Necessary for the Prophets and what is Impossible for Them

English Text By Jul 02, 2015

What is Necessary for the Prophets and what is Impossible for Them Truthfulness is necessary for the Prophets, and lying is impossible for them; and intelligence is necessary for them, and dullness and stupidity is impossible for them; and trustworthiness is necessary for them; and so the prophets are clear of blasphemy, major sins, and demeaning small sins. This is…

Prophethood and The Difference between the Prophets and the Messengers

English Text By Jul 02, 2015

Prophethood   Nubuwwah [Prophethood] is derived from naba’ [news], because Prophethood includes informing from Allah; or it is derived from nabwah [highness].  According to the first possibility, the word Nabiyy has the pattern of fa^il with the meaning of the doer, because he informs from Allah about what was Revealed to him. Or it could be with the meaning of…

Had ignorance excused one from punishment, then ignorance would have been better than knowledge

English Text By Jul 01, 2015

The ignorant person is not excused from  the basics of the Creed, and he is not excused if he falls into blasphemy because of his lack of care about the Religion.  Had ignorance excused one from punishment, then ignorance would have been better than knowledge, and this is against the Saying of Allah the Exalted: ﴿قُلْ هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ…

Normal Reasons Do Not Affect in Reality and that the Only One Who Affects in Reality is Allah

English Text By Jul 01, 2015

Normal Reasons Do Not Affect in Reality and that the Only One Who Affects in Reality is Allah   Al-Hakim, the author of Al-Mustadrak, mentioned in his book Tarikh Naysabur: I heard Zakariyyah Yahya Ibn Muhammad Al-^Anbariyy saying, “I heard Abu ^Isa Ibn Muhammad Ibn ^Isa At–Tahmaniyy Al-Marwaziyy saying: ‘Certainly Allah Makes apparent whatever He Willed, if He Willed, of…

The Intellectual Evidence for the Invalidity of the Saying of the Mu^tazilah that the Slave Creates his Deeds

English Text By Jul 01, 2015

The Intellectual Evidence for the Invalidity of the Saying of the Mu^tazilah that the Slave Creates his Deeds The people of the truth say that the slave’s creation of his own deeds is invalid because of the absolute inclusivity of the Power, Will, and Knowledge of Allah. The clarification of that is that the Power of Allah is all-inclusive, and…

The Tawhid of Allah in the Doings[1]

English Text By Jul 01, 2015

The Tawhid of Allah in the Doings[1] It was narrated from Imam Al-Junayd, the Imam of the true Sufiyys, that when he was asked about Tawhid he said, “Certainty.” Then he was asked for clarification, so he said, “Certainly, there is no one who gives being to anything among the things, whether entities or deeds, and no creator for them…