SA^ID bin Mansur Al-Marwazi

English Text By Aug 17, 2010

SA^ID bin Mansur Al-Marwazi D 227 H Sa^id bin Mansur bin Shu^bah Al-Marwazi or At-Taliqani then Al-Balkhi lived near Makkah. He authored the book As-Sunan. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal praised him immensely. Harb Al-Karmani said, ‘He (Sa^id) dictated to me about ten thousand Hadith from his memory.’ Sa^id bin Mansur died in Makkah in Ramadan 227 H, while in his…

AT-TAHAWI, Ahmad bin Muhammad

English Text By Aug 17, 2010

AT-TAHAWI, Ahmad bin Muhammad: Abu Ja’far, Ahmad bin Muhammad Salama bin Salama Al-Azdi Al-Misri At-Tahawi Al-Hanafi was born in the year 228 H. or 227 H. He was nicknamed after a village called Taha in Egypt. He was a follower of the Shafi’ee Madhaab (school of jurisprudence) and a student of Al-Muzni. At-Tahawi then became a follower of the Hanaf…

AT-TIRMIDHEE, Abu ‘Iesa Muhammad bin ‘Iesa:

English Text By Aug 17, 2010

AT-TIRMIDHEE, Abu ‘Iesa Muhammad bin ‘Iesa: Abu ‘Iesa, Muhammad bin ‘lesa bin Sura At-Tirmidhee was born in 209 H. In a town called Tirmiz in Uzbekistan near the northern border of Afghanistan. He was a student of Al-Bukhari, and compiled 4,000 Hadeeth in his book called Al-Jami which later came to be known as Sunan At-Tirmidhi. He also contributed tremendously…


English Text By Aug 17, 2010

ABU AL-HASAN AL-MAWARDI (362-448 H) Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Habib al-Mawardi was born at Basrah in 972 C.E. (~362H). He was educated at first in Basrah where, after completion of his basic education, he learned Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) from the jurist Abu al-Wahid al-Simari. He then went to Baghdad for advanced studies under Sheikh Abd al-Hamid and Abdallah…

^ABDUL-HAQ bin ^Abdur-Rahman

English Text By Aug 17, 2010

^ABDUL-HAQ bin ^Abdur-Rahman 510-581 H Abu Muhammad, ^Abdul-Haq bin ^Abdur-Rahman bin ^Abdullah bin Husain bin Sa^ id Al-Azdi Al-Ishbili was born in 510 H. He was a Hafidh and an authority in the knowledge of Hadith. He resided in Bijaya in Spain where he spread his knowledge and authored books. He was famous and a celebrated ^Alim (scholar) and was…

They said: The Challenge of Islamism Today

This is what they spread about our religion!!    The Challenge of Islamism Today   U.S. Congressional Briefing (Open)   Human Rights Caucus  Subject: The Persecution of Christians Worldwide  Guest Speakers: Bat Ye’or  The Baroness Cox  The Revd. Canon Patrick Augustine   1st Event: Tuesday, 29 April 1997 (2:00-4:00pm)  Opening Statement    Bat Ye’or    PAST IS PROLOGUE   The…

Talking with the ‘terrorists

Talking with the ‘terrorists   ‘Middle East      Mar 31, 2006                         HOW TO LOSE THE WAR ON TERROR PART 1: Talking with the ‘terrorists   By Mark Perry and Alastair Crooke   Seventy-two hours before the Iraqi people voted on a new parliament, on December 12, 2005, we were told by a senior US administration official that “detailed…

HOW TO LOSE THE ‘WAR ON TERROR Handing victory to the extremists

Middle East      Apr 1, 2006         HOW TO LOSE THE ‘WAR ON TERROR’PART 2: Handing victory to the extremistsBy Mark Perry and Alastair Crooke After the writers of this article and our colleagues visited the Middle East for talks with some of the leaders of political Islam (see Part 1: Talking with the ‘terrorists’, March 31),…

Reuel Gerecht said :Bin Laden-ism can only be gutted by fundamentalists” such as the Muslim Brethren

Reuel Gerecht said :Bin Laden-ism can only be gutted by fundamentalists” such as the Muslim Brethren Reuel Gerecht: Militant Islam is the Answer? September 12, 2004   I have admired the writings of Reuel Gerecht since he first surfaced as the pseudonymous Edward Shirley, praising his 1997 book, Know Thine Enemy, as a “quite brilliant spy’s report.” But even there…

شكلت حركة «القبيسيات» اشكالية كبيرة في الأوساط الدينية السورية. فمنهم من يكفرها،

Arabic Text By Aug 17, 2010

يرتدين الحجاب الكحلي ويملكن شبكة تدريس ونفوذ واسعة … «الآنسات القبيسيات» يباشرن في سورية انخراط النساء في «الدعوة الإسلامية» … بموافقة السلطات <>دمشق- ابراهيم حميدي     الحياة     – 03/05/06//   –> لم يعد انتشار اتباع «الآنسة» منيرة القبيسي مقتصراً على سورية والدول العربية فحسب، بل ان حلقات «الأخوات» باتت تدق ابواب بيوت في باريس وفيينا لتصل إلى الولايات المتحدة الأميركية. والقبيسيات داعيات إسلاميات…