English Text By Aug 17, 2010

IBN ABU KHAYTHAMA: Abu Bakr, Ahmad bin Abu Khaythama Zuhair bin Harb An-Nasa’I Al-Baghdadi was a celebrated Imam, Hafidh and an authority. He authored At-Tarikh Al-Kabir. Ad-Daraqutni said about him, ‘He was reliable and trustworthy.’ Al-Khatib also said, ‘He was reliable ‘Aalim (learned), accurate Hafidh, knowledgeable in the history of people, and the narration of poetry.’ He studied Hadeeth under…

IBN MAJAH, Muhammad bin Yazid

English Text By Aug 17, 2010

IBN MAJAH, Muhammad bin Yazid: Abu ‘Abdullah, Muhammad bin Yazid bin Majah Al-Qizwini was born in 207H. He studied under Imam Malik and others, and many people narrated Hadeeth from him. He was one of the eminent scholars of Hadeeth,but his Sunan contains many weak and even Munkar Hadeeth. Ibn Majah died in Ramadan in 273H. Sunan Ibn Majah has…

‘ALI bin Al-Madini: Abul-Hasan

English Text By Aug 17, 2010

‘ALI bin Al-Madini: Abul-Hasan: ‘Ali bin ‘Abdullah bin Ja’far bin Najih As-Sa’di by clientship – Al-Madini was born in 161 H. And was considered as the most knowledgeable person regarding the Hadeeth of the Prophet and Al-Bukhari said in this context, I never belittled myself before anyone else except before ‘Ali Al-Madini. He was considered to be the Imam of…