Allah is the creator of the skies and does not dwell in them

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

As for the hadith that was narrated by At-Tirmidhiyy: الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن ارحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السّماء [which means] “Those who are merciful, Ar-Rahman is Merciful to them. Be merciful to whoever is on Earth and whoever is in the Sky will be merciful to you.” According to another narration, the hadith is: يرحمكم أهل السماء [which…

“Do you believe in some of the Book and disbelieve in some of it” is an address to the Jews

Arabic Text By Jun 30, 2015

Al-Bukhariyy narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: إذا كان أحدكم في صلاته فإنّه يناجي ربه فلا يبصقنّ في قبلته ولا عن يمينه فإن ربه بينه وبين قبلته [which translates literally as] “If one of you were in his prayer, then surely he is addressing his Lord. So let him not spit in the direction of his Qiblah or to his…

The book above the ^Arsh in reality, with a real aboveness

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

Among what proves that that book is above the ^Arsh in reality, with a real aboveness that cannot be explained in a way which is different than its apparent meaning, is the hadith narrated by an-Nasa’iyy in his book “As-Sunanul-Kubra”: إنّ الله كتَب كتابًا قبل أن يخلُقَ السّماواتِ والأرضَ بألفَي سنةٍ فهوَ عندَهُ على العرشِ وإنه أنزلَ من ذلك الكتاب…

There is nothing alive above the ^Arsh. There is only a book above the ^Arsh

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

There is nothing alive above the ^Arsh. There is only a book above the ^Arsh. Written in it is: إنّ رحمتي سَبَقَت غَضبي [which means] “Surely My Mercy overcomes My Punishment.” It means that the signs of Mercy are more than the signs of torture. The Angels are among the signs of Mercy, and they are more numerous than the…

For the Likeners to say that Allah sits on the ^Arsh is insulting Him

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

, Allah is not granted an honor by any of His creation and He does not benefit from any of His creation. For the Likeners to say that Allah sits on the ^Arsh is insulting Him, because sitting is the attribute of humans, animals, jinn, and vermin. Every attribute of the creation, if attributed to Allah, is insulting Him. The…

The false hood of those who interpret the hadith of the slave woman saying Fissama’ by “fawqal ^arsh”

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

The Likeners have taken the narration of Muslim by its apparent meaning and were then misguided, and what they say does not save them from misguidance. They say, “We interpret the statement, ‘fis-sama’,’ in the hadith as ‘fawqal-^Arsh,’ [above the ^Arsh].” [This does not protect them from misguidance] because by that they have confirmed a similar for Allah, which is…

Jibril is the one meant by “Then he drew close and dangled, and he was as close as two cubits or close

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

It is not intended by the Ascension [Mi^raj] up to the skies that the Messenger would reach a place in which Allah exists, and whoever believes that blasphemes.  The only intent of the Ascension is to honor the Messenger by making him aware of the amazing upper world, glorifying his status, and letting him see the Holy Self of Allah…

We raise our hands in du^a’ to the sky because it is the place from which the mercy and blessings descend

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

We raise our hands in du^a’ to the sky because it is the place from which the mercy and blessings descend; it is not because the Self of Allah exists in the sky. Similarly, we direct ourselves to the honorable Ka^bah in the prayer because Allah Ordered us with that; it is not because the Ka^bah has some merit or…

The foundation of the Creed is not based on delusion; rather, it is based on what is dictated by the sound mind

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

The foundation of the Creed is not based on delusion; rather, it is based on what is dictated by the sound mind, which is a witness for [the validity of the truthfulness of] the Religious Law. The sound mind judges that what is limited is in need of whoever limited it with that limit, so it would not be God….