Among the statements which the people still use and originally they were said by the Prophets a long time before me: If what you intend to do does not constitute a reason to be shy from Allah and the people, then do whatever you want, or else do not do it

From the route of Abu Mas^ud ^Uqbah bin ^Amr Al-Ansariyy Al-Badriyy, may Allah accept his deeds, who said: the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said: <<Among the statements which the people still use and originally they were said by the Prophets a long time before me: If what you intend to do does not constitute a reason to…

Religion is not a matter of Opinion

English Text By Jun 05, 2018

Religion is not a matter of Opinion Allah ordered us to follow the great religion of Islam, that of holding the correct belief in Allah and His messengers, and holding the best ethics and morals. Whoever implements and adheres to the noble teachings of Islam shall be victorious in this life and in the Hereafter. The sources of legislation in…

Be pious wherever you are.

From the route of Abu Dharr Jundub bin Junadah and Abu ^Abdir-Rahman Mu^adh bin Jabal, may Allah accept both of their deeds, from the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, who said: <<Be pious wherever you are. Make the good deed follow the bad, because it will erase it, and deal with the people with good manners.>> Narrated by…

History of Mawlid

English Text By Jun 05, 2018

History of Mawlid The king of Irbil, Abu Sa`eed alMuzaffar bin Baktakeen Kawkabriyy, initiated the Mawlid in the 7th hijriy century and was the first person to do so. He was a pious, brave, just, generous and knowledgeable ruler and defender of Islam, who died while fighting the Crusaders in Palestine. He invited many Muslims including the scholars of Hadeeth,…

OMAR IBN AL-KHATTAB – The second Caliph in this nation

English Text By Jun 05, 2018

OMAR IBN AL-KHATTAB – The second Caliph in this nation The life of humans and jinn always ends with death and there is no exception. No one escapes death even if he is the best of God’s creation. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab held a high status amongst the tribe of Quraysh before being Muslim. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him recognised…

Allah ordered that proficiency be applied to everything

Arabic Text By Jun 05, 2018

From the route of Abu Ya^la Shaddad bin Aws, may Allah accept his deeds, from the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, that he said: <<Allah ordered that proficiency be applied to everything. So if you kill, then kill properly and if you slaughter, slaughter properly. Let one sharpen one’s blade to make it easier for the animal to…

It was conveyed that the Mujadid strengthens the proofs of Islam

English Text By Jun 05, 2018

It was conveyed that the Mujadid strengthens the proofs of Islam and guides the Muslims to be become more committed to following Islam. He will bring the knowledge to the people during his time and facilitate the Islamic rulings. He has to be alive part of the previous century and the century after. Both; so that his coming is on…


English Text By Jun 05, 2018

Mujadid Every 100 hijriyy years Allah brings a Mujadid. The Mujadid refutes the false accusations against Islam and eradicates the suspicions of its people by his teachings and authority or only by his teachings. ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Azeez was the 1st Mujadid on the top of the first hundred years. He had both. He destroyed innovations and misguided beliefs, erased…

Ignorance is not an Excuse

English Text By Jun 05, 2018

Ignorance is not an Excuse Prophet محمّد said: ‎”إنَّ العبدَ لَيَتكلم بالكلمة لا يرى بها بأسًا يهوي بها في النار سبعين خريفًا” رواه الترمذي It means: “A person might utter a word that he thinks harmless, which results in his falling the depth of seventy years into hellfire.” ▪️This falling distance of seventy years leads to the bottom of Hellfire…

Our Master Muhammad ﷺ, the great prophet, came with a great law

English Text By Jun 05, 2018

Our Master Muhammad ﷺ, the great prophet, came with a great law indicating what is lawful (halal) and unlawful (haram), what is obligatory (wajib) and recommended (sunnah), disliked (makruh), valid (sahih), and invalid (batil). He who learns the personal obligatory knowledge and passes it on to his parents, wife, kids, beloved ones, neighbours has earned a great deal. Dear Muslims;…