Allah is (without a beginning “al-‘Awwal”),

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

Allah is (without a beginning “al-‘Awwal”), i.e., the One Who does not have a beginning to His Existence.  His existence was not preceded by inexistence.  The (Eternal “al-Qadim”) has the same meaning when referring to Allah because the Eternity of Allah is His own attribute and is not related to time.  Allah is (Alive “al-Hayy”), i.e., the One attributed with…

Allah is the One (Who is One “al-Wahid”)

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

Allah is the One (Who is One “al-Wahid”), i.e., the One who does not have a partner with Him in Godhood.  He is (Indivisible “al-‘Ahad”), i.e., the One Who does not accept division and partitioning because He is not a body.  He is neither a kathif (tangible) body which is physically grasped by the hand like humans, trees, and stones,…

The meaning of ash-hadu alla ilaha illallah

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

In the prayer, the Muslim must say the Testification of Faith in Arabic by saying:  <<Ash-hadu alla ilaha illallah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadar-Rasulullah.>>) Since the Testification of Faith (the two shahadahs) is the foundational root of Islam, it is obligatory upon every Muslim know their meaning. (The meaning of ash-hadu alla ilaha illallah), I testify that no one is God…

There are three (3) types of people who are not accountable for their deeds in the Hereafter

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

There are three (3) types of people who are not accountable for their deeds in the Hereafter There are three (3) types of people who are not accountable for their deeds in the Hereafter:  the child who died before becoming pubescent;  the person whose insanity ensued before pubescence, then remained throughout puberty until his death;  and the pubescent, sane individual…

(It is obligatory upon all the accountable persons)to embrace the religion of Islam

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

(It is obligatory upon all the accountable persons) to embrace the religion of Islam (It is obligatory upon all the accountable persons), i.e., those who are pubescent, sane, and have received the basic call of Islam—meaning they have received the message that no one is God except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah—(to embrace the religion of…

Marriage and Dealing Contracts

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

Marriage and Dealing Contracts       Chapter 1 Knowledge Before Action     Allah commanded us with things, and we must comply with what He commanded. Every accountable Muslim has the obligation not to engage in anything until he knows what Allah ordained as lawful or unlawful about it. Allah made the selling (bay^) lawful and the usurious gain…

إن بعض المبتدعة يمنعون من علم الكلام على طريقة أهل السنة والجماعة

Arabic Text By Jul 03, 2015

الحمدلله وبعد، فإن بعض المبتدعة يمنعون من علم الكلام على طريقة أهل السنة والجماعة بما فيه من تأييد للعقيدة السُّـنية بالدليل العقلي والنقلي من كتاب الله تعالى وسنة نبيه ســيّدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، ويقول هؤلاء في استدلال في غير محله إنه قد ذمّ علم الكلام جماعة من السلف، فروي عن الشعبي أنه قال: من طلب الدين بالكلام تزندق،…