Was There In The Time Of The Salaf Categorizing Tawheed Into Three?

English Text By May 29, 2017

Was There In The Time Of The Salaf Categorizing Tawheed Into Three? Tawheed is defined as differentiating between The One with no beginning and between the one with a beginning.  As for the one with a beginning, then that is the creation. A question:  Was there during the time of The Salaf, categorizing Tawheed into Tawheed of Lordship, Tawheed of…

Allāh The Exalted revealed in the 114th verse of the chapter of Taha وقل رب زدني علما what means and say O Muhammad, Increase my knowledge O Lord.

English Text By May 29, 2017

A very precious lesson in the creed and the reason the lands of the muslims have gone corrupt and what it contains from murder and destruction. The question:  Allāh The Exalted revealed in the 114th verse of the chapter of Taha وقل رب زدني علما what means and say O Muhammad, Increase my knowledge O Lord.  Please explain this verse….

Nobody Is Equal To The Prophets In Status In This Dunyā And Likewise Nobody Is Equal To The Prophets In Status In The Hereafter

English Text By May 29, 2017

Nobody Is Equal To The Prophets In Status In This Dunyā And Likewise Nobody Is Equal To The Prophets In Status In The Hereafter Our master the prophet of Allāh Jesus, peace be upon him, described the nation of our master Muhammad peace be upon him saying about them: “The nation of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him will come…

The Nation Of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him Will Come As Wise Scholars, It Is As If They Are Prophets In Their Knowledge Of The Law

English Text By May 29, 2017

The Nation Of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him Will Come As Wise Scholars, It Is As If They Are Prophets In Their Knowledge Of The Law Beneficial gems about the islamic knowledge and all praise is due to Allāh. Our master the prophet of Allāh Jesus, peace be upon him, described the nation of our master Muhammad peace be…

The Islamic Creed Is Clearing Allāh From Residing In A Direction, Place, And The Rest Of The Attributes Of The Creations Because Allāh Is The Creator Of Everything

English Text By May 29, 2017

The Islamic Creed Is Clearing Allāh From Residing In A Direction, Place, And The Rest Of The Attributes Of The Creations Because Allāh Is The Creator Of Everything The Islamic Creed is clearing Allāh from residing in a direction, place, and the rest of the attributes of the creations because allāh is the creator of everything. Likening Allāh to the…

Among the proofs that Allāh exists without a place is that Allāh gave Muhammad peace be upon him the ability to hear His Speech

English Text By May 29, 2017

From the inheritance of mercy from the knowledge of our shaykh the Jurist, Hāfidh, Scholar of Fundamentals ^Abdullāh Al-Harariyy, he, may Allāh have mercy upon him said: Among the proofs that Allāh exists without a place is that Allāh gave Muhammad peace be upon him the ability to hear His Speech (without a letter or sound) on the night of…

Allāh created the universe without needing it

English Text By May 27, 2017

From the inheritance of mercy from the knowledge of our shaykh the scholar Of Jurisprudence The Hāfidh The Scholar Of Fundamentals ^Abdullāh Al-Harariyy May Allāh Have Mercy Upon Him Said: From the inheritance of mercy from the knowledge of our shaykh the scholar of jurisprudence the hāfidh the scholar of fundamentals ^abdullāh al-harariyy may allāh have mercy upon him said:…

لفقيه الحنفي الشهير المعروف بابن عابدين المتوفى منذ نحو ١٨٠ سنة في حاشيته قال رحمه الله: كما وقع في زماننا في أتباع محمد بن عبد الوهاب الذين خرجوا من نجد وتغلبوا على الحرمين وكانوا ينتحلون (يدعون الانتساب الى) مذهب الحنابلة (وأحمد بن حنبل بريء منهم)

Arabic Text By May 27, 2017

من تحذير علماء أهل السنة من الوهابية أتباع ابن تيمية لأنهم يحرّفون دين الاسلام ويقتلون المسلمين ويكفرّونهم، ما ذكره الفقيه الحنفي الشهير المعروف بابن عابدين المتوفى منذ نحو ١٨٠ سنة في حاشيته قال رحمه الله: كما وقع في زماننا في أتباع محمد بن عبد الوهاب الذين خرجوا من نجد وتغلبوا على الحرمين وكانوا ينتحلون (يدعون الانتساب الى) مذهب الحنابلة (وأحمد…

*تنزيه الله عما لا يجوز في حقه*

Arabic Text By May 27, 2017

علم الدين هو حياة الإسلام. علم الدين دليل الفلاح والنجاح والنجاة في الدنيا الآخرة. *تنزيه الله عما لا يجوز في حقه* قال الله تعالى: “ليس كمثله شيء”. عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة أن الله موجود لا كالموجودات. وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: “كان الله ولم يكن شيء غيره” رواه البخاري وابن الجارود. الله تعالى كان في الأزل قبل المكان…