الجنة ونعيمها

Arabic Text By Dec 05, 2009

  الجنة ونعيمها1 قال الله تعالى : { وسَارعُوا إلى مَغفِرةٍ مِن ربِّكُم وجَنّةٍ عَرضُها السّمواتُ والأرضُ أُعِدّت للمُتّقين}هذه الآيةُ فيها أنّ اللهَ تعالى خَلقَ الجنّةَ وهيَ دارُ السّلام أي دارُ النّعِيم المقِيم الدائم،والنّعيمُ فيها قِسمَان:نَعِيمٌ لا يَنالهُ إلا الأتقياءُ وهذا مَعنى ما وَردَ في الحديثِ القُدسيّ الذي رواه البخاريّ مِن حديثِ أبي هريرةَ رضي الله عنه أنّه قال :[…

AN-NASA’I, Abu ^Abdur-Rahman Ahmad bin Shu^aib

English Text By Dec 04, 2009

AN-NASA‘I, Abu ^Abdur-Rahman Ahmad bin Shu^aib 215-303 H Abu ^Abdur-Rahman Ahmad bin ^Ali bin Shu^aib bin ^Ali Al-Hafidh was born in 215H. In Nisa‘, a city in Khurasan. He became famous for the study of the methodology of Hadith, memorizing and mastering it. His book known as Sunan An-Nasa‘i is third to Sahih Al-Bukhari in terms of containing the least…

ABU NU^AIM, Al-Asfahani

English Text By Dec 04, 2009

ABU NU^AIM, Al-Asfahani 334-430 H Ahmad bin ^Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Ishaq bin Musa bin Mahran Al-Asfahani was born in Rajab 334 H. He was a famous Hafidh, one of the eminent Muhaddithin and one of the great Huffadh. He studied under the celebrated scholars and himself taught many virtuous ^Ulama. He authored many books, among them Al-Mustakhraj ^Ala Al-Bukhari,…

IBN AL-QATTAN, ^Ali bin Muhammad

English Text By Dec 04, 2009

IBN AL-QATTAN, ^Ali bin Muhammad 562-628 H Abul-Hasan, ^Ali bin Muhammad bin ^Abdul-Malik Al-Fasi was born in Qurtuba in Spain in 562 H. And lived in Fas in Morocco. He was a Hafidh, an Imam and a learned critic of the Hadith methodology. Moreover, he was more knowledgeable about the Hadith methodology and the mastery of the names and history…

سدرة المنتهى Sidratul-Muntaha

Miscellaneous By Dec 04, 2009

سدرة المنتهى   الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محُمَّدٍ رسولٍ الله.      أما بعد فإنه من المعجزات الباهرات التي أيد الله تبارك وتعالى بها الحبيب المصطفى معجزة الإسراء والمعراج، ففي تلك الليلة عندما ارتقى سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم بواسطة المِرقاة، وهي سلم موصول بين الأرض والسماء درجة من ذهب ودرجة من فضة، رأى عجائب كثيرة ومنها…

SA^ID bin Mansur Al-Marwazi

English Text By Dec 04, 2009

SA^ID bin Mansur Al-Marwazi D 227 H Sa^id bin Mansur bin Shu^bah Al-Marwazi or At-Taliqani then Al-Balkhi lived near Makkah. He authored the book As-Sunan. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal praised him immensely. Harb Al-Karmani said, ‘He (Sa^id) dictated to me about ten thousand Hadith from his memory.’ Sa^id bin Mansur died in Makkah in Ramadan 227 H, while in his…

AT-TABARANI, Sulaimman bin Ahmad

English Text By Dec 04, 2009

AT–TABARANI, Sulaimman bin Ahmad 260-360 H Abul-Qasim, Sulaiman bin Ahmad bin Ayyub bin Mutair Al-Lakhmi At–Tabarani was born in 260 H. in Tabariya As-Sham. He was an authoritative Imam and narrated Hadith from more than one thousand scholars. He left Ash-Sham to acquire the knowledge of Hadith and spent thirty-three years of travelling in its pursuance. He authored many interesting…