Elucidating that which is obligatory upon the accountable person from the actions of the heart.

English Text By Jul 12, 2015

Elucidating that which is obligatory upon the accountable person from the actions of the heart. (Among the obligations of the heart are:) 1. (To have the belief in Allah) i.e. to have the firm belief in the Existence of Allah ta^ala as is befitting to Him, accompanied with the belief in the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam, thereafter…

Zakah on Gold and Silver, Gold and Silver Ores, and Golden and Silver Treasure-Troves-Rikaz)

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Zakah on Gold and Silver, Gold and Silver Ores, and Golden and Silver Treasure-Troves-Rikaz) (The quotum of gold is twenty (20) Dinars[1],) a dinar is the weight of seventy-two (72) average-sized, unpeeled barley grains from alHijaz, which have had the long and narrow part of their ends cut off; (and) as for (the quotum of silver) it (is two-hundred (200)…

Zakah on Dates, Raisens, and Staple Crops

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Zakah on Dates, Raisens, and Staple Crops (The first quotum of dates, raisens, and staple crops) utilized as such in times of choice, not necessity like famines for example, (is five (5) wasqs,) hence, no Zakah is due on any amount less than that. Five wasqs are that (which are equivalent to three-hundred (300) sa^s[1], according to the sa^ of…

Elucidated the types of wealth on which paying Zakah is obligatory for animals,

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Elucidated the types of wealth on which paying Zakah is obligatory for animals,   (The first quotum-nisab of camels) i.e. the first quantity of camels owned by one on which Zakah is obligatory (is five (5). The first quotum of cattle is thirty (30). The first quotum of sheep and goats is forty (40). No Zakah is due before one…

(The minimum obligatory prayer for the dead)

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

The Funeral Prayer (Salatul-Janazah) (The minimum obligatory prayer for the dead) person (is: 1. To intend to perform the obligatory Funeral prayer for that dead person in particular,) for him to specify that he is praying the Funeral prayer, (as one is saying the opening ‘Allahu akbar’. 2. To say Allahu akbar while standing, if one is able; then 3….