The origin of the clayfrom which Adam was created was from the soil of this earth.

Miscellaneous By May 28, 2018

The origin of the clayfrom which Adam was created was from the soil of this earth. Allah ordered one of the angels to gather a handful of all the different types of the earth’s soils: the black soil, the white soil, the red soil, and all the colors in between these colors; including the soft soil and the firm soil. This angel took a handful from all these different kinds of soil and brought them to Paradise. This soil was mixed with the water of Paradise and from this mixture, the shape of Adam was formed. This is why you find among the offspring of Adam–which includes all people–the white, the black, the red, the yellow, those who are easy, those who are difficult, and those who are in between. For a period of time this shape remained as clay. Then Allah turned this clay into something dry and hard, like pottery. In Surat al-Hijr, Ayah 26, Allah, tabaraka wa ta^ala, said:

‎﴿وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ مِنْ صَلْصَالٍ مِنْ حَمَإٍ مَسْنُونٍ﴾[سورة الحِجر/26]

which means: [Allah created Adam (the human being) from a clay that was poured and then dried taking the shape of Adam.] Before Allah turned this clay to flesh, blood, and bones, and before Allah put Adam’s soul into his body, the devil (Iblis) came and examined this creation. Upon inspection, Iblis found this creation had internal cavities, and thus he knew that this creation would need to take things inside its body. Iblis knew this creation would not have the ability to go for long periods of time doing different matters without being in need of some things, like food, drink, rest, and the like. Iblis knew this creation was not like the angels, because angels do not have internal body cavities and need neither food nor drink nor rest. Allah gave them the strength to perform all what Allah ordered them to perform–without the need for eating, drinking, or resting to do so. The angels can bear things which the humans cannot bear. All this, Iblis knew. So Iblis, who was created from a pure flame of fire (which does not produce any smoke); Iblis, a jinn, and the ancestor of all the jinn, who was a believer at this period of time and living in Paradise with the angels worshipping Allah–talked to that shape of Adam. He said to Adam, “Allah created you for a matter which I cannot perceive.” After the soul of Adam joined his body, Allah bestowed on Adam the knowledge of the names of everything. Allah gave Adam that knowledge without a teacher, i.e., without Adam having to learn from someone to acquire that knowledge. Then Allah ordered the angels to prostrate to Adam out of respect for this special new creation (not out of worship). Iblis was living with the angels, so he, also, was ordered to prostrate to Adam. The angels prostrated to Adam because all the angels are obedient; they do not disobey Allah. Iblis, however, was arrogant. He objected to Allah. Iblis said, “I was created from fire, and he was only created from soil, so why should I prostrate to him? I will not.” By his statement Iblis meant that Allah was not just in ordering him to prostrate to Adam. Thus, by objecting to Allah and His order, Iblis blasphemed. This was the first blasphemy Iblis committed. When Adam’s soul joined with his body, he sneezed, then said, ‘al-hamdulillah.” Thus, the first words Adam uttered were in praising and thanking Allah. Adam stayed in Paradise for a period of time. During that period Allah created Hawwa’ (Eve), Adam’s wife. She was tall, suitable for the height of Adam who was sixty cubits tall and seven cubits broad.