English Text By May 29, 2017



[composed of two (2) cycles]

1.          Stand up facing the Qiblah. In the United States and Canada, one faces southeast.

2.          Raise your hands to the level of your ears and say, “Allahu akbar.

3.          While saying ‘Allahu akbar’ out loud, say in your heart, “I now pray the obligatory Dawn (or Subh) Prayer.”

4.          Recite the Fatihah, if able.  If you were unable to learn it yet, without being lazy in trying to do so, then recite seven (7) other verses from the Qur’an–not shorter than the Fatihah.  If you are only able to say ‘Allahu akbar,’ then say it eighteen (18) times.

5.          Bow while saying, “Allahu akbar.” Remain motionless for a moment.

6.          Straighten back up to a standing position.  Remain standing motionless for a moment.

7.          Say, “Allahu akbar,” then prostrate.  Remain motionless in the prostration for a moment.

8.          Say, “Allahu akbar,” and sit.  Remain motionless in this sitting position for a moment.

9.          Say, “Allahu akbar,” and prostrate another time.  Remain motionless in this prostration for a moment.

10.        Say, “Allahu akbar” and stand back up for the second cycle.  Do the second cycle like the first one, from standing and reciting the Fatihah until the second prostration (#4 – #9).

11.        Sit and recite the Tashahhud and the Salatu ^alan-Nabiyy, if able, and if not, remain silent for an equivalent time.

12.        Turn your head to the right and say: “as-salamu ^alaykum.”

13.        Turn your head to the left and say: “as-salamu ^alaykum.” (Saying as-salamu ^alaykum two (2) times is optional.  The obligation is to say it once.)

By this, one has completed the integrals of the Dawn Prayer.  Note that saying ‘Allahu akbar’ between the different moves is an optional act, not a required one, as are a few other matters mentioned.



[composed of four (4) cycles]

1.          Stand up facing the Qiblah. In the United States and Canada, one faces southeast.

2.          Raise your hands to the level of your ears and say, “Allahu akbar.

3.          While saying ‘Allahu akbar’ out loud, say in your heart, “I now pray the obligatory Noon (or Dhuhr) Prayer.”

4.          Recite the Fatihah, if able.  If not, follow the order mentioned in #4 of How to Pray the Dawn Prayer (page 15).

5.          Bow while saying, “Allahu akbar.” Remain motionless for a moment.

6.          Straighten back up to a standing position.  Remain standing motionless for a moment.

7.          Say, “Allahu akbar,” then prostrate.  Remain motionless in the prostration for a moment.

8.          Say, “Allahu akbar,” and sit.  Remain motionless in this sitting for a moment.

9.          Say, “Allahu akbar,” and prostrate another time.  Remain motionless in this prostration for a moment.

10.        Say, “Allahu akbar” and stand back up for the second cycle. Do the second cycle like the first one, from the Fatihah until the second prostration (#4 – #9).

11.       Sit and recite the tashahhud, if able, until “Allahumma salli ^ala Muhammad.”  If you are not able to recite the Tashahhud, then remain silent for an equivalent time.

12.       Stand up for the third cycle and recite the Fatihah, if able.  If not able, follow the order mentioned in #4 (page 15).  Continue this third cycle as the first one  (steps #4 – 9).

13.       Stand up for the fourth cycle and complete it as you did the third (steps #4 – 9).

14.        Sit and recite the tashahhud and the salatu ^alan-Nabiyy, if able, and if not, remain silent for an equivalent time.

15.        Turn your head to the right and say: “as-salamu ^alaykum.”

16.        Turn your head to the left and say: “as-salamu ^alaykum.” (Note:  Saying as-salamu ^alaykum this second time is optional.)

By this one has completed the integrals of the Noon Prayer.



[composed of four (4) cycles]

Onr prays the Mid-Afternoon Prayer exactly like the four cycles of the Noon Prayer except for the intention, which is:

“I now pray the obligatory Mid-afternoon (or ^Asr) Prayer.”



[composed of three (3) cycles]

1.          Stand up facing the Qiblah. In the United States and Canada, one faces southeast.

2.          Raise your hands to the level of your ears and say, “Allahu akbar.

3.          While saying ‘Allahu akbar’ out loud, say in your heart, “I now pray the obligatory Sunset (or Maghrib)  Prayer.”

4.         Perform two (2) cycles just like the first and second cycles of the Dawn Prayer.

5.         After the second prostration of the second cycle, sit and recite the Tashahhud if able, until “Allahumma salli ^ala Muhammad.”  If unable, sit for an equivalent time.

6.         Say, “Allahu akbar” and stand up.  Do the third cycle like the other cycles (steps #4 – 9).

7.         After the second prostration, sit and recite the Tashahhud and the the Salatu ^alan-Nabiyy, if able.  If unable, sit for an equivalent time.

8.          Turn your head to the right and say: “as-salamu ^alaykum.”

9.          Turn your head to the left and say: “as-salamu ^alaykum.” (This is optional)

By this one has completed the integrals of the Sunset Prayer.



[composed of four (4) cycles]

The Nightfall Prayer is prayed like the Noon Prayer, except for the intention, which is:  “I now pray the obligatory Nightfall (or ^Isha) Prayer.”



1-         I start my recitation in the Name of Allah,[1] Who is ar‑Rahman,[2] and ar-Rahim[3]

2-         Praise and thanks to Allah, the Owner (Rabb) of the humans and jinn, for the givings He willingly granted.

3-         He is ar-Rahman and ar-Rahim.

4-         He is the Owner of the Day of Judgment.

5-         To You (Allah) only we dedicate worship, and from You (Allah) we seek help.

6-         Keep us guided (firmly) on the Straight Path,

7-         which is the Path of those upon whom You bestowed guidance–not the path of those whom You willed to punish or the path of those who went astray.

[1] Allah is the name of the Creator, the One Who deserves to be worshipped.

[2] Ar-Rahman is a name of Allah and means the One Who is merciful to both Muslims and non-Muslims in this life.

[3] Ar-Rahim is a name of Allah and means the One Who is merciful to Muslims only in the Hereafter.