no matter how many sins one commits, as long as he dies as a muslim, then he will be saved from dwelling forever in hellfire.

English Text By Feb 27, 2017

The Guidance of Muhammad Peace be upon him

The Path Of Truth

Know, may God grant you success, that a man came to The Messenger, peace be upon him, and said to him, “Which of the deeds is best?”  So The Messenger, peace be upon him, said to him,“To believe in Allāh and His messenger.”  Hence, it is understood from that,  there is no better deed than to have the correct belief because the one who has a sound belief, no matter how many sins he commits, as long as he dies as a muslim, then he will be saved from dwelling forever in hellfire.

The basis of the correct belief is to know Allāh and the basis of knowing Allāh is clearing Allāh, The Exalted, from resembling the creation in any way whatsoever just as it has been revealed in the chapter of Ash-shura nothing resembles Him in any way whatsoever and He is attributed with hearing and sight.

This gives the meaning that Allāh does not resemble anything among His creations and nothing resembles Him.  Therefore, He is the one who exists, the one whose existence is not imagined in the mind nor visualized in the heart.  This is in agreement with the sound mind because the religious law doesn’t present except that which is accepted by the mind. The revelation is the basis and the sound mind stands as a witness.  Allāh revealed:

ولم يكن له كفوا أحد

which means:  nothing is similar to him and nothing is like him.

The sound mind says that it is intellectually impossible that the creator of things be similar to those things.  Allāh, The Exalted, created everything:  The volumes, the entities and the deeds, therefore, it is invalid for Allāh to be anything like that and that is what has been revealed in the Qur’ān

فلا تضربوا لله الأمثال

which means: Do not resemble Allāh to His creation.  Therefore, whoever resembles Allāh to the creation blasphemes because it is belying the Qur’ān.  Just as Allāh doesn’t resemble anything among His creations like the human, angels, jinn and plants, likewise, it is invalid for Allāh to be attributed with any attribute among the attributes of His creations.

Allāh, The Exalted, created this universe, and within this universe, there are palpable bodies that can be grasped with the hand like the human, plants, and stone.  Also, Allāh created the impalpable bodies like darkness, light, wind, Jinn, and Angels and he gave these bodies attributes like heat, cold, dryness, movement, stillness and other than that, therefore, it is not valid for Allāh to be attributed with any of these attributes.  This is what the Qur’ān, The Hadeeth, the mind, and the Islamic Scholarly Consensus tell us.

It is known to everyone with a sound mind that Allāh is the creator of everything and that He exists without a beginning and none of the universe existed.  No earth, no throne, no space, no darkness and no light.  Allāh created everything and His existence is eternal, not resembling the creation from any aspect.  Hence, He is not attributed with a large size nor a small size and he is not attributed with the attributes of volumes like movement, stillness, sitting, residing, direction and being in a place.

Al-Bukhariyy narrated that The Messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him, said “Allāh existed eternally and nothing else existed”, this means, Allāh existed eternally and nothing else existed, He existed eternally without a place nor a direction and after He created everything, His existence did not change, His existence is still without a place or a direction because change is the biggest sign of being a creation.

Assorted Benefits

The Hadeeth:  Al-Bukhāriyy narrated in his book of Saheeh that The Messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him, said stay away from injustice because certainly injustice is ?punishment? on the day of judgment.   Also, The Prophet, peace be upon him, said in his advice to Mu^ādh the son of Jabal when he had sent him to Yemen:  “Stay away from the supplication of the tyrannized because their supplication is granted.”  In another Hadeeth, the messenger of Allāh peace be upon him forbade inciting two animals to fight, so how about inciting people to fight by conveying to this one what that one said and conveying to that one what this one said.  This is among the sins even if what was conveyed was factual without any lie-so then- it would be worse if it contained a lie, we seek refuge with Allāh from that.

Therefore, it is not permissible for the person to take this matter lightly especially if they are concerned about their hereafter.  In the Hadeeth narrated by Muslim from the route of Abi Hurayrah that the messenger of Allāh peace be upon him said: “Are you aware of who the impoverished one is?”  They replied, “The impoverished among us is the one who has no money and no belongings.”  So he, peace be upon him, said “Indeed, the impoverished one from my nation is the one who comes on the day of judgment having prayed, fasted, and paid Zakah however while also having insulted this one and having unjustly accused that one of fornication and having consumed the money of this one unjustly and having spilled the blood of that one and having struck this one, so therefore this one gets given from his good deeds and that one gets given from his good deeds and this one gets given from his good deeds and that one gets given from his good deeds to the extent that if his good deeds run out before having paid back what he owes, then sins would be taken from them and thrown on him and then he would be thrown in hell.

Also, It is mentioned n the Hadeeth narrated by Al-Bukhāriyy:  “The perfect muslim is the one who does not harm the muslims with his tongue or his hand.”  Therefore, let everyone of us look at what we utter with our tongues otherwise the person will be judged.  Among results of ignorance is the lying that some people do on the first of April and likewise among the results of ignorance is what some corrupt people say “talking has no consequence” and that is extremely ignorant.  Whoever understands from that statement that one can say whatever he wants without being held accountable, then that is obvious blasphemy and we seek refuge with Allāh from that.

The Hadeeth

The memorizer of Hadeeth, the expert, Sharafud-deen Ad-dimyātiyy (705 H) and he had 1,250 shaykhs and he is one of the great teachers of The memorizer of Hadeeth, the scholar in the fundamentals of Islamic Law, the scholar in several branches of knowledge, the absolute scholar mujtahid, the leader of the era and the areas, Taqiyy Ad-deen ^Aliyy the son of ^Abdul Kāfee The Ansariyy (756 H) May Allāh have mercy on both of them, narrated in his book ?Al-Matjar? Ar-rābih Fi Thawāb Al-^Amal Assālih from the route of ^Abdullāh the son of ^Amr the son of Al-^Ās may Allāh accept his deeds that the messenger of Allāh peace be upon him said “To please the parents is rewarded by Allāh and to disobey the parent is punishable by Allāh,” narrated by

At-tirmidhiyy and Ibn Hibbān and Al-Hākim and he said it is authentic according to the criteria of Muslim and the Hadeeth doesnt need a long explanation.

In another hadeeth in the Sunan Al-Kubrā by The Imām Al-Bayhaqiyy (458 H) may Allāh have mercy upon him, from the route of the son of ^Umar, may Allāh accept both their deeds, that a man among the beduins met him on the way to Makkah so ^Abdullāh the son of ^Umar said salām to him and gave him a ride on a donkey that he was riding and he gave him a turban he was wearing on his head.   Ibn Dayyār said “So we said to him, may Allāh keep you well, they are beduins and they are pleased with little,” so ^Abdullāh the son of ^Umar said “Certainly, the father of this one had a close relationship with ^Umar the son of Al-Khattāb, May Allāh accept his deeds, and i, indeed, have heard the messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him, saying “A highly rewardable goodness is for the person to keep ties with those that have a close relationship to their father.”  Al-Bayhaqiyy said “Muslim narrated it in his Saheeh.”

Muslim and Abu Dawoud narrated from the route of Jubayr the son of ?Mut^im?, May Allāh accept his deeds, that he said “The one who doesnt keep the ties of kinship wont enter Paradise with the first batches.”  The Prophet, peace be upon him, meant that the one who doesnt keep the obligatory ties of kinship with relatives by doing good towards them and visiting them and what is similar to that, is considered a sin that the doer of which deserves to be tortured even if his relatives cut him off, he is not allowed to cut them off, especially those who are closely related.  In the hadeeth narrated by Al-Bukhāriyy from the route of ^Abdullāh the son of ^Amr the son of Al-^Ās that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said “The one who really keeps the ties of kinship is not just the one who reciprocates, rather, the one who really keeps the ties of kinship is the one who has been cut off and still keeps the ties of kinship with the one who cut him off.

The Guidance of Muhammad Peace be upon him