Among the many blessings that Allah granted us is the sending of the Prophets to the people to guide them and show them the path to Paradise

Miscellaneous By Feb 11, 2017

Fellow Muslims

Among the many blessings that Allah granted us is the sending of the Prophets to the people to guide them and show them the path to Paradise, for one on his own is not able to find out what will save him in the hereafter.

The existence of the Prophets is indeed a great endowment. They are the best creations of Allah. They are the most knowledgeable, the most pious, the most courageous, the most patient, the most merciful, and they are the ones with the best manners. Allah سبحانه وتعالى  made the Prophets better than other people and He protected them from having any despicable or repulsive attributes. They are the leaders and the examples that others should follow as Allah said in al-Qur’an.

A Prophet is a man who received revelation from Allah and followed a set of rules which he was ordered to convey to his people.  And among the Prophets there were messengers who received some new rules different from the ones that were before them. Hence every Messenger رسول was a Prophet نبيّ but not every Prophet was a Messenger. All were ordered to convey to the people the proper belief and the rules of the religion. They gave the good news to those who followed them that they would be in Paradise in the hereafter, and they warned those who did not believe in them with the severe torture in hellfire.

And know fellow Muslims that the religion of all the Prophets was Islam, starting with Prophet Adam and ending with محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم . They all ordered their people to be Muslims, for it is the only accepted religion in the hereafter as Allah said in al-Qur’an:

(ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين)

Meaning any person who died as a non Muslim he would be among the losers in the hereafter. So Prophets نوح (Noah), إبراهيم (Abraham),موسى  (Moses),عيسى  and (Jesus) were all Muslims and ordered the people they were sent to to be Muslims.

It is true that the rules reveled to the messengers may have some differences, however the religion of all these messengers was Islam, and this is the meaning of the hadith of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم

الأنبياء إخوة لعلّات أمهاتهم شتى ودينهم واحد

Be careful fellow Muslims not to belittle or mock any of the Prophets for they are the best creations of Allah and they must be glorified. None of them committed blasphemy or enormous sins or any despicable act before or after Prophet hood. All scholars agreed that cussing or belittling any of the Prophets is blasphemy, and one must repent from that immediately by uttering the testification of faith, we seek refuge with Allah from falling into blasphemy and we ask Him سبحانه to end our lives on Islam and to unite us with the Prophets in Paradise.