ABU NU^AIM, Al-Asfahani

English Text By Dec 04, 2009

ABU NU^AIM, Al-Asfahani

334-430 H

Ahmad bin ^Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Ishaq bin Musa bin Mahran Al-Asfahani was born in Rajab 334 H. He was a famous Hafidh, one of the eminent Muhaddithin and one of the great Huffadh. He studied under the celebrated scholars and himself taught many virtuous ^Ulama. He authored many books, among them Al-Mustakhraj ^Ala Al-Bukhari, and Al-Mustakhraj ^Ala Muslim and Hulyat-ul-Awliya’, which is one of the best books. It is said that when he took it to Nishapur, it sold for four hundred Dinar. Al-Asfahani died in Safar or 20th Muharram, 430 H. at-Asfahan.