Elucidating that which is obligatory upon the accountable person from the actions of the heart.

English Text By Jul 12, 2015

Elucidating that which is obligatory upon the accountable person from the actions of the heart.

(Among the obligations of the heart are:)

1. (To have the belief in Allah) i.e. to have the firm belief in the Existence of Allah ta^ala as is befitting to Him, accompanied with the belief in the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam, thereafter mentioned; is the foundation of all the obligations; (and) to believe in (what He revealed;) i.e to believe in the truthfulness of what Allah revealed among the ordered matters, the forbidden matters, and the news of what has occurred and what shall occur.

2. (To have the belief in the Messenger of Allah) sallallahu alayhi wa salam, that he is truly the Messenger of Allah, (and what he conveyed;) among the rules and news of this life and the hereafter.

3. (To have the sincerity (ikhlas), which is to do the good deeds for the sake of Allah only;) i.e. to purify one’s intention upon doing the good deeds from seeking the praise and respect of the people.

4. (To regret sinning;) i.e. to feel in regret in one’s heart for disobeying Allah. This regret is obligatory in regards to all the sins, whether small or enormous sins.

5. (To rely) fully and truly depend (on Allah😉 only.

6. (To fear Allah so as to perform one’s obligations and refrain from the unlawful matters;) to constantly  have fear of Allah ta^ala in one’s heart, such that this fear leads one to perform what Allah made obligatory and to leave that which Allah forbade.

7. To accept the Destining of Allah meaning: (To subjugate oneself to Allah and refrain from objecting to Him;) in regards to something which He destined and willed to occur, be it sweet or bitter.

8. (To exalt the rites of Allah😉 by recognizing them with status which Allah ordered in regards to them, not less or below that, and not to degrade such rites such that one demeans their status to that which is below what Allah ordered.

9. (To be thankful to Allah for His endowments) the obligatory thanking (by not using them) his endowments, (in disobedience;)

10. (To be patient) patience entails forcing oneself to endure a disliked matter it is bearing or forcing oneself to endure leaving a desired matter. Patience is of three categories; the first of which is patience (in performing the obligations;) like the prayer; and secondly,

11. (To be patient in refraining from the sins;) like being patient from looking at that which Allah forbade one to look at, and being patience from committing fornication-zina; thirdly,

12. (To be patient with what Allah afflicted one;) among the catastrophes and calamities, such that one does not object to Allah or to enter into that which Allah made unlawful due to said calamities.

13. (To hate the Devil;) i.e. to harbor hatred towards him. The devil is the blasphemer among the jinn. The great grandfather of the devil is Satin.

14. (To hate sins;) because Allah dispraised the sins and He forbade us from performing them.

15. (To love Allah,) by glorifying Him the obligatory glorification and subjugating oneself to Him the ultimate subjugation; and to love (His Eternal Speech-Kalam,) i.e. the Qur’an by believing in it; and to love (His Messenger,) Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam, by exalting him in the proper, necessary way, and to love the rest of his brothers among the Prophets, alayhimus salatu was salam; and to love (the Companions,) by way of generalization, meaning to exalt them, for they are the ones who supported the religion of Allah, especially the first batches among them. A companion is one who met the Prophet , sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam, under normal circumstances, while believing in him, and died on that status; (and) to love (the Al (Muslims relatives and wives) of the Prophet,) such love for them is due to what they were specified with among the merit and relation to the best of the creation of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam, (and) to love (the righteous Muslims.) because they are beloved to Allah  due to their high status which they gained by obeying Allah fully and completely.