Zakah of Fitr

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Zakah of Fitr

(The Zakah of Fitr is obligatory on every Muslim who is alive during) the last (part of Ramadan) which is until the sunset of the last day of Ramadan; (and) the first (part of Shawwal.) while one is alive a concrete life.  Hence, if one died before sunset or was born after sunset, the Zakah of Fitr is not obligatory to be paid on his behalf.


(The due Zakah on each) free (Muslim) person (and on those whom one is obligated to support, if they) i.e. if those whom one was obligated to support (were Muslim,) like one’s wife, small child, and poor parents, (is a sa^ of the most common staple food of that) which is wheat in countries like the Lands of Sham and Egypt, rice in some regions of India and Indonesia, corn in some regions of Habashah, and other than that in other countries. Hence, one pays a sa^ on his own behalf and a sa^ on behalf of each person he is obligated to support, in accordance with the details mentioned previously.

The Zakah of Fitr is only obligatory on one (if the Zakah of Fitr) which one needed to pay (was in excess to one’s debts,) even it was a deffered debt; and in excess to the (clothing,) suitable for one and for those one is obligated to support; and in excess to the (lodging,) suitable for one and for those one is obligated to support; (and) in excess to one’s (sustenance, and the sustenance of those whom one must support for the Day of the Feast of Fitr and the night after it.) It is unlawful to delay paying the Zakah of Fitr until after the sunset of the Day of ^Id, without a valid excuse.