Zakah on Trade Articles

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Zakah on Trade Articles

(The quotum of trade articles is the quotum of the gold and the silver with which they) i.e. trade articles, (were bought) because the quotum of trade articles, in regards to their value, is evaluated according to with what they were purchased, i.e. if they were purchased with gold, then the quotum of their value is the same as the quotum of gold; if they were purchased with silver, then the quotum of their value is the same as the quotum of silver; and if they were purchased with other than gold or silver, then the quotum of their value is evaluated according to what is mostly in circulation of gold or silver in the country.


(The value of the trade articles is considered) if the value reached the specified quotum, (only after the lapse of a lunar year) Hence, if the value of the trade articles reached the quotum, then Zakah is due on the articles, otherwise it is not. (The due Zakah) on trade articles (is one-fortieth of the value) i.e. the value of the trade articles. The due Zakah is paid in gold if the value of trade articles’ quotum was evaluated according to the quotum of gold, or in silver if it was evaluated according to that of silver.


Furthermore, (The mixed wealth of two or more partners has the same judgment as the wealth of one person in regards to the) amount of the (quotum and) the amount of the (due Zakah;) hence, if a partnership between two or more people occurred and the combined wealth of the partners reached a quotum, the partners pay the due Zakah collectively as if the wealth was owned by a single person; that is ( if the conditions of proper mixing mixing of the wealth have been fulfilled.) and such conditions are learned from more comprehensive books.