Zakah on Gold and Silver, Gold and Silver Ores, and Golden and Silver Treasure-Troves-Rikaz)

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Zakah on Gold and Silver, Gold and Silver Ores,

and Golden and Silver Treasure-Troves-Rikaz)

(The quotum of gold is twenty (20) Dinars[1],) a dinar is the weight of seventy-two (72) average-sized, unpeeled barley grains from alHijaz, which have had the long and narrow part of their ends cut off; (and) as for (the quotum of silver) it (is two-hundred (200) Dirhams[2].) a dirham is the weight of fifty and two-fifth of an average-sized grain of barely.


(One fortieth of the quotum is due as Zakah on gold and,) if their amounts reached the quotum, and (if a lunar year lapsed on them) i.e. on gold or silver, (while they were in the owner’s property. Proportionate Zakah is due on what exceeds the quotum.) even if the excess amount was a small quantity, as mentioned in regards to the amount of harvest in excess of the quotum in cultivation.

(However, what is extracted) of gold and silver (from ores and treasure-troves) which have reached the specified quotum, it is not condition for a lunar year to lapse on such gold and silver in order for the Zakah to be due on it.(Zakah is to be paid immediately), on both i.e. after the ores have been cleaned from dirt. Thus, one does not wait for a lunar year to lapse on ores and treasure-troves to pay Zakah.

The obligatory amount due on ores differs from that due on treasure troves. One fortieth is due on ores and as the other gold and silver. (One fifth is due as Zakah on treasure troves,.) because ores entail an expense in order to be cleaned from dirt, contrary to treasure-troves.


[1] A Dinar is a unit of weight measure equivalent to the weight of seventy two (72) average-sized, unpeeled, barley grains, after their ends have been cut off.

[2] A Dirham is a unit of weight measure equivalent to the weight of fifty and two fifth (50 2/5) average-sized, unpeeled, barley grains after their ends have been cut off.