Zakah on Dates, Raisens, and Staple Crops

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Zakah on Dates, Raisens, and Staple Crops

(The first quotum of dates, raisens, and staple crops) utilized as such in times of choice, not necessity like famines for example, (is five (5) wasqs,) hence, no Zakah is due on any amount less than that. Five wasqs are that (which are equivalent to three-hundred (300) sa^s[1], according to the sa^ of the Prophet , sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam,) because each wasq is sixty sa^s, hence five wasqs is three hundered sa^s. A sa^ is four mudds, and a mudd is the fill of two average-sized, male, cupped hands. Therefore, the author, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: “according to the sa^ of the Prophet ^alayhis salatu was salam.” Furthermore, (the measure) i.e. the quantity, (of) that (which) demonstrates the sa^ of the Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam (is kept in al-Hijaz.) until now.

Among the rules pertaining to crops, is that (Crops of the same type harvested in the same year, are to be combined to determine whether or not the quotum was reached.) i.e. if the crops were of the same family and their yield was within one lunar year. In such a case, if the quotum is attained by combining one crop with another, Zakah is due, even if the crops differed in kind.


(However, crops of different types) of cultivation (are not combined,) to reach the quotum, (like barley with wheat.) Hence, if one had a crop of barley and a crop of wheat, each of which was less than five wasqs alone, then no Zakah is due; even if when combined the two crops equal five wasqs, because they are from different types of cultivation, hence they are not combined in order to complete the quotum. Contrary to two crops of the same kind and type of cultivation, like Syrian wheat and Egyptian wheat, for they are combined in order to complete the quotum.


(Zakah is due) on dates and raisens (when the fruits ripen) even if only one fruit ripened. Such ripening of the fruits means the appearance of signs entailing that the fruits have reached the state in which they are usually sought by people to eat, like the appearance of color in grapes which become colored, and the beginning signs of ripeness in other than grapes (and) in regards to crops, Zakah is due on them when (the seeds of the crops harden.) At these two points, the ripening of the fruit and hardening of the seeds, Zakah becomes obligatory upon one to pay, as for the actual paying of the Zakah, it is not valid until after the fruits, i.e. the dates and raisins, dry, and the seeds of the crops are filtered from their سنبلة, and the like.

(The due Zakah) on dates, raisins, and crops, (is one-tenth of the quotum if one irrigated the crop without expense,) like if the crop was rain fed or river water fed; in such a case, thirty sa^s are paid as Zakah on each three hundred sa^s of harvest; (and half of that) i.e.  half of one-tenth of the harvest is obligatory to be paid as Zakah, (if one irrigated at an expense.) like if the crop was irrigated with water transported via an animal’s back from its source to the crop, or by a waterwheel turned by animals, or with an irrigation wheel, or with a pump; in such cases, the owner pays fifteen sa^s for every three hundred sa^s of harvest as Zakah.

(Proportionate Zakah is due upon what exceeds) the mentioned (quotum.) of five wasqs, even if the excess amount was a small quantity, because, exemption does not apply on what is more than the original first quotum as it does in regards to animals, as was previously mentioned. Furthermore, (No zakah is due on crops below a quotum.) which is five wasqs. (However, one) i.e. the owner of the crop, (can volunteer to pay on crops less than the quotum as a rewardable [nonobligatory] matter.)



[1] A sa^ is a measure which is four times the fill of a joined pair of average-sized, cupped hands.