Elucidated the types of wealth on which paying Zakah is obligatory for animals,

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Elucidated the types of wealth on which paying Zakah is obligatory for animals,


(The first quotum-nisab of camels) i.e. the first quantity of camels owned by one on which Zakah is obligatory (is five (5). The first quotum of cattle is thirty (30). The first quotum of sheep and goats is forty (40). No Zakah is due before one owns the first quotum.) i.e. before the camels or the cattle or the sheep and goats reach the first quotum mentioned for each category no Zakah is due on them. (Then once the quotum is reached, a lunar year must lapse on it.) i.e. in order for Zakah to be obligatory on such a quotum, i.e. a lunar year must lapse on the animals that reached the quotum while they are under the owner’s ownership.


Also, in order for Zakah to be obligatory on these three categories of livestock, (The animals must be grazed by the owner or /any person authorized by him) i.e. by the owner, (in an unowned pasture;) which is shared communally among the people and is not owned by anyone specific. Hence, no Zakah is due on animals fed forage by the owner or those which graze on their own. Also, (and) in order for Zakah to be obligatory on owning such animals, (they) i.e. the animals grazed by the owner, (must not be working animals.) like those which work by transporting water or plowing the land. (Animals which are put to work, like plowing animals, are not subject to Zakah.)

(The obligatory Zakah due on the first quotum of five camels is a one year old female sheep or one which has lost its baby teeth or a two-yearold female goat) Once the owner owns five camels, he has reached the minimum amount of camels on which Zakah is due. Hence, he must pay either a one-year old female sheep or one which has lost its front baby teeth before reaching a year, or a two-year old female goat. The second quotum of camels on which Zakah is due is ten camels, on which two female sheep or goats, with the mentioned specifications, are due. On fifteen camels, three female sheep or goats are due, and on twenty camels four are due. Then, if the owner comes to own twenty-five camels, a one-year old female camel is due.


(The obligatory Zakah on the first quotum of forty sheep or goats is a female sheep which lost its baby teeth) i.e. a one-year old female sheep or one which has lost its baby teeth, (or a two year old female goat) or a two year-old female goat. (The obligatory Zakah due on the first quotum of thirty cattle is a one-year old bull.) Due on forty cattle is a two-year old female cow.


Furthermore, any amount of camels, cattle, sheep and goats, between the set quotums are exempt, i.e. the Zakah due on them follows the previous set quotum. For example, the due Zakah on seven camels is one female sheep or goat, in accordance with what is due on the first quotum of five camels, before reaching the second qutoum of ten camels.

(If one’s animals exceed those set first quotums,) mentioned previously in the text, (then additional Zakah is due.) with details taken from more detailed books than this summary. (It is one’s obligation) i.e. the owner of any of the three types of animals whose amount exceeds the mentioned quotums, (to learn the amount of Zakah which Allah obligated upon him to pay) as Zakah (on such animals.) i.e. on the camels, the cattle, or the sheep and goats which one owns.