Elucidating how the deceased person is prepared for burial and how the funeral prayer is prayed.

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Elucidating how the deceased person is prepared for burial and how the funeral prayer is prayed.


(Washing, shrouding,) shrouding the deceased person occurs after his body has been washed, (praying for, and burying the dead Muslim) even if he was a child, (is a communal obligation (fard kifayah)) on each person who knew of the deceased’s death, (if he) i.e. the dead person (was born alive.) such that it was known that he was alive by him screaming for example, or moving voluntarily. As for the Harbi-blasphemer and the apostate, it is not an obligation to perform any of the aforementioned matters for them.


(Shrouding and burial are obligatory for a member of the People of the Book who is subject of the Islamic state (Dhimmiyy).) The dhimmiyy is the blasphemer who pays a jizyah- payment to the Muslim Caliph. These two matters are done for him if the people of his following do not perform it for him. However, he is not buried in the Muslims’ cemeteries.


(Moreover, washing, shrouding, and burial are obligatory for a stillborn Muslim.) This is if the stillborn had the appearance of a human being; or else, it is rewardable to wrap him in a piece of cloth and bury him. The stillborn is the one upon which the signs of life did not appear. (The Funeral Prayer is not performed for a Dhimmiyy or the stillborn Muslim.)

(Whoever dies) as a Muslim, (as a result of fighting the blasphemers) even if it was only one blasphemer, (will be shrouding in his battle clothes.) i.e. it is rewardable to shroud him in his battle clothes that are smothered with blood. (If his battle clothes are not enough, more material is to be added.) up to three wraps of cloth is added. (He will be buried,) in the Muslims’ cemetery, (but not washed; and the Funeral Prayer will not be performed for him.) such is the case because he is a battlefield martyr.