The conditions of the Friday Prayer) i.e. the conditions for the validity of the Friday Prayer, (are:) four matters

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

(The conditions of the Friday Prayer) i.e. the conditions for the validity of the Friday Prayer, (are:) four matters.


(1.) The first of which is (The setting in of Dhuhr Prayer time;) If the time of Dhuhr has ended, he makes it up as Dhuhr prayer.

(2.) The second condition is that (The aforementioned forty inhabitants must hear) the integrals of (the two speeches (khutbahs)) which are before the Friday prayer, (during the time of Dhuhr Prayer and before praying the Jumu^ah Prayer;)

(3.) The third condition is that (The Jumu^ah Prayer must be performed in congregation) hence, it is not valid if prayed alone; (by the aforementioned forty inhabitants;)

(4.) The fourth condition is that (Another Jumu^ah Prayer must not be performed simultaneously with it) i.e. with the Friday prayer, (or preceding it) in the same town. If the opening Allahu akbar (tahrimah) of one’s prayer preceded that of another,) i.e. the preceding was known, (the former) Friday prayer, (would be valid and the latter) Friday prayer, (would be invalid.) That which is considered in determining which prayer preceded which is the uttering of the ر ra’ from the opening Allahu akbar. Some Shafi^iyy scholars said (This) judgment that states the validity of the former prayer and the invalidity of the latter prayer (ruling applies if the people were able to meet in one place.) and they did not do so. (However, if it was hard for them to meet in one place,) it is permissible for them to hold several Friday Prayers, in relation to how many are needed, (then) at that point, (both Jumu^ah prayers would be valid, the former and the latter.)