Elucidating the conditions for the getting reward from Allah tabaraka wa ta^ala for one’s prayer

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Elucidating the conditions for the getting reward from Allah tabaraka wa ta^ala for one’s prayer/ for his prayer to be accepted by Allah tabaraka wa ta^ala.

(In addition to what has been mentioned,) among the conditions (prayer is rewardable by Allah subhanah,) i.e. for it to be accepted so one gets/receiveS reward from Allah, (if the following conditions are satisfied: 1. One performs the prayer for the sake of Allah) i.e. to submit to the order of Allah (only;) one must not intend to achieve the praise of the people or else he would be insincere, falling into the sin of insincerity-riya’. And to get reward (One’s food,) i.e. the food that is in his stomach at the time of his prayer, (clothing,) that he wears at the time of his prayer, (and place of prayer) i.e. the place of one’s prayer, (are lawful;) And (2. One’s heart has feared Allah) even if it was (for at least a moment during the prayer. If these three conditions are not met) if one did not come with these three conditions in every prayer, i.e. if one’s heart did not fear Allah for even a moment, (One’s prayer is valid but not rewardable.) Fearing Allah is for one to feel the fear of Allah while feeling the veneration and glorification for God.