Elucidating the invalidators of prayer

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Elucidating the invalidators of prayer.


(Prayer is invalidated by: 1. Talking) i.e. among what is from the speech of the people, not supplication (du^a) or (dhikr-praising Allah) or reciting Quran, i.e. if the person praying spoke intentionally while remembering being aware that he was in prayer, with knowledge of the impermissibility of talking in prayer (even if it) his uttering, (was by uttering two letters) which carry a meaning or not (or) his uttering was by (any letter which carries a meaning,) like saying the letter qaf in Arabic “qi”, because it carries the meaning of the order to protect; (unless one forgets) except if the person praying forgets he is in prayer (and a few words are said;) if the words he uttered were few, like saying six commonly used words among the people, or less, his prayer is not invalidated.

The prayer is also invalidated by (2. Performing many moves,) the Shafi^iyy scholars differed in defining what is considered “many moves”, (which according to some) Shafi^iyy (scholars are) i.e. the moves are (as many) consecutive moves (as what would last for the duration of one rak^ah. According to other scholars) what is considered many moves are (three consecutive moves) even if done with several organs, including if one takes three consecutive steps, (invalidate the prayer.) This second saying is the famous saying within the school of Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy, and other saying exist. The author, Shaykh Abdullah, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: (The first saying, however,) i.e. that many moves are considered those that last for the duration of one ra^ah, (has a stronger evidence;) because it is more in agreement with the apparent meaning of some sayings of the Prophet (hadiths).

Prayer is also invalidated by (3. Performing an) i.e. one, (excessive move;) like an excessive jump. The prayer is also invalidated by (4. Adding an extra integral which involves action;) on purpose like bowing twice in one rak^ah of the obligatory prayer. Prayer is also invalidated by (5. Performing one move) if it was (with the purpose of playing;) even if it was not an excessive move.

Prayer is also invalidated by (6. Eating and drinking,) i.e. by the food or drink reaching the inner body [cavity] (except if one forgets) except if the person praying forgets he is in prayer (and it) i.e. what he ate or drank (is little;)

Prayer is also invalidated by (7. Intending to interrupt the prayer;) immediately or after a period time, or by (8. Making an intention to interrupt the prayer contingent on the occurrence of an incident;) like if he made interrupting it contingent upon someone’s arrival, it is invalidated immediately. Prayer is also invalidated by (9. Hesitating about interrupting the prayer;) it is invalidated immediately by this hesitation, contrary to the involuntary thought which occurs to ones heart without ones intent, among which does not lead to hesitation or a firm intent to interrupt the prayer, such a thought does not affect.


The prayer is also invalidated by (10.Completing an integral) among the integrals of prayer (while the) existence of (doubt persists whether or not one established) carried out/made, (the intention to perform prayer during the opening saying of Allahu akbar (taharrum),) like for him to move from one integral of action to the next while doubting about whether or not he established/made his intention to perform prayer during the opening saying of Allahu akbar, (or doubting for a long time about this intention.) even without the passing of an integral while the doubt persists for a long time, his prayer is invalidated.