The person who) is in the state of minor ritual impurity by having (invalidated his wudu’ is prohibited from performing) four matters

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

The person who) is in the state of minor ritual impurity by having (invalidated his wudu’ is prohibited from performing) four matters. One of those four is performing (prayer,) whether it was the obligatory or the rewardable (sunnah) prayer, even if it was the Funeral Prayer. Secondly, such a person is prohibited from (circumambulating the Ka^bah,) whether it was the obligatory circumambulation or the rewardable circumambulating of the Ka^bah; (and) thirdly and fourthly, he is prohibited (from carrying or touching the Book of the Qur’an (Mushaf).) Likewise the one in the state of minor ritual impurity is prohibited from holding that which was written from the Quran for the purpose of studying, contrary to that written for protection. Fourthly, such an individual is prohibited from touching the book of the Quran, i.e. from touching the papers of the Quran, its cover that is attached to it, and its margins. (However, the child who has reached the age of mental discrimination (mumayyiz) and) the female girl who has reached the age of mental discrimination, (is allowed to carry the Book of the Qur’an and touch it without wudu’ for the purpose of studying in the Book of the Qur’an.) or learning from it, and not for any other purpose, like handing it from one person to another.

(It is unlawful for the person who emitted maniyy to do the aforementioned,) four matters, (and also) other matters, one of them being (to recite the Qur’an,) with the tongue, such that one hears himself, even reciting one letter from the Quran with the intention of reciting Quran is prohibited, (and) secondly to (stay in a mosque.) or to go back and forth within the mosque. However, passing through the mosque is not prohibited.

(It is unlawful for the menstruating and postpartum bleeding women to do all the aforementioned actions,) the six aforementioned matters and other matters, one of which is (to fast before the cessation of bleeding,) but after the cessation of bleeding it is permissible for her to fast, even before performing the purificatory bath. Furthermore, the woman must make-up the days she missed from fasting Ramadan because of her menses; (and) secondly, she, i.e. the wife, is prohibited (to allow the husband or) and the slave is prohibited from allowing (the master to enjoy the area between their navels and knees) by looking or touching without a barrier i.e. in a way that their skin touches, (before they) the wife or the female slave, (performed their purificatory bath (ghusl).) even if it was after the cessation of bleeding. (However, some scholars said that anything) among enjoying that which is between the navel and the knee is permissible, (other than sexual intercourse is allowed.)