The conditions of one’s purification) including ablution and the purificatory bath (to be valid are:) five matters:

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

The conditions of one’s purification) including ablution and the purificatory bath (to be valid are:) five matters:

The first condition is (To be Muslim;) hence, the purification of the blasphemer from both the minor and the major ritual impurity is invalid. The second condition is (To be at the age of mental discrimination;) hence, the purification of the non-mentally discriminate individual like the child and the insane person is invalid. The third condition is (To remove anything that prevents water from reaching the part) the organ, (to be washed;) or to be wet wiped. Purification is not valid if a preventive material, like grease stuck to the skin, was present preventing the water from reaching the organ. However, the purification remains valid with the presence of that which shields the color of the skin without preventing the water from reaching the organ, like ink.


The fourth condition is (To let the water flow on the part to be washed;) i.e. for the water to inherently flow on the skin, even if it was by way of passing the hand over the water to cause it to flow. However, simply wet wiping over the part to be washed is invalid.

The fifth condition is (To use purifying water; i.e.) the water used for purification must be pure in itself, purifying for other than itself; such is the absolute water, i.e. that which is referred to as water without any binding restrictions, like the water of the rain ; such is the (water which did not lose its name of “water”) i.e. it being referred to as just “water”, without any restrictions; (by being changed due to mixing) i.e. due to being mixed, (with a pure material from which the water can be easily shielded) i.e. material which the water is easily protected from, (such as milk or ink, and the like.) in such a way that the water clearly changed due to mixing with the substance. The mixing of the water with a foreign substance occurs when the substance cannot be differentiated from the water with the eye; contrary to the non-homogeneous solution, i.e. the heterogeneous solution in which the foreign substance does not dissolve in the water rather it simply suspends in it without mixing, such a substance does not affect the purifying status of the water. (If the water changes because of its mixing with such material) i.e. changing drastically in its properties, whether in color, taste, or smell with a substance which mixes with the water, becoming a homogeneous solution, (in such a way) it lost its name of “water” (that it is not called water anymore,) because it is not absolute water anymore, (then using this water for purification is not valid.) However, if the change in such water was slight, in such a way that it can still be referred to as “water”, it remains purifying. (If, however, the water changes because of its mixing with material which are in its original place) like weeds, (or its pathway) like sulfur-embedded ground, (or the like, and from which this water cannot be easily shielded,) i.e. it is difficult to protect the water from such a material, (this does not affect the purifying property of this water. (It remains) pure and (purifying even if the change was drastic.)


(Also,) it is a condition for the validity of the purification that (the water must not be changed even slightly) because the water which changed, slightly or drastically, due to najas-filth is judged as najas-filthy; (because of its contact with najas-filth.) like urine; whether the water was a little amount (less than two qullahs) or a large amount (two qullahs or more). However, if the water was plenty and did not change because of the najas-filth then it is still considered purifying. (If the water was a little amount (less than two qullahs)) A qullah equals what fills a cubic container, one and one fourth (1 ¼) cubits in length and the same in width and depth. (It is a condition) for the validity of the purification with that water, (that no unexempted najas-filth come into contact with it) because contact with un-exempted najas-filth immediately causes the water to become najas-filthy. On the other hand, if the najas-filth was exempted, like if an insect which harbors no running blood dies in the water and does not change it, the water does not become najas-filthy; it is still judged as pure and purifying; (and) it is a condition for the validty of the purification with the water (that it) i.e. the little amount of water, (not have been used to lift any ritual impurities) contrary to the water which was used in the second or third wash and the like,  and not the first wash which lifts the ritual impurity, for such water is still considered purifying; (or) it was used (in removing any najas-filth.) If the water was not changed because of the najas-filth, its weight did not increase due to the najas-filth, and none of its properties changed, the water remains pure but is no longer purifying.