The obligations) i.e. the integrals (of the purificatory bath (ghusl) are two

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

The obligations) i.e. the integrals (of the purificatory bath (ghusl) are two:)

(1. To have the intention to clear oneself of the state of major ritual impurity (hadath akbar), or a similar intention;) among the valid intentions; like for example to intend the obligatory purificatory bath or the mandatory (wajib) purificatory bath or for one to intend to make prayer permissible for himself, contrary to intending just to perform the purificatory bath alone or purification alone, such intentions are not enough. Also, the intention must be congruent with washing the first part of the body, because that which is washed before establishing the intention is not considered.


(2. To wash the whole body) the external body, (with water,) i.e. pure and purifying water (including the skin and the hair,) the apparent part of the hair and the skin underneath (even if the hair is thick.) i.e. even if the hair was thin or thick it must be washed and the skin underneath it with pure and purifying water.