The purificatory bath (ghusl

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

(Among the conditions) i.e. for the validity (of prayer is purification from the state of major ritual impurity) which occurs (by performing the purificatory bath (ghusl) or dry purification (tayammum) is performed if one cannot perform ghusl.)

(One is required to perform the purificatory bath after any of these five (5) matters occurs:) Two of which occur in both men and women. One of the two is: (1. The emission of maniyy;) i.e. the maniyy of the person himself. What is meant by “the emitted maniyy” is its reaching the apparent part of the male’s penis or the apparent part of the female virgin’s vagina. As for the non-virgin the maniyy must reach the apparent part of her vagina when she squats on her feet to urinate or defecate. That which did not reach the aforementioned areas, does not necessitate a purificatory bath. Furthermore, maniyy can be known by three signs. One of which is, it existing in spurts, i.e. in a strong way batch after another; second, feeling a sense of pleasure when it exits, and third, it smelling like dough when wet, and like egg whites when dry. If one of these three signs exists, then exiting material is judged as maniyy. It is not a condition for all the signs to coexist.

The second and final matter which occurs with both men and women and necessitates a purificatory bath is (2.Sexual intercourse;) even if one did not emit maniyy. Sexual intercourse is defined as inserting the glans penis or its equivalent, in reference to the male who does not have a glans penis, into a vagina or anus.

Three out of the five matters which necessitate the purificatory bath are specific to women. The first is (3.Termination of menses (hayd);) Menses is the blood that exits from the woman’s womb due to healthiness and not because of childbirth. The least period of the menses is one day and one night, i.e. twenty-four hours, and the maximum period is fifteen days. The purificatory bath is obligatory after the cessation of blood[1].


The second matter which only applies to woman is (4.Termination of postpartum bleeding (nifas);) Postpartum bleeding is the blood which exits the womb after childbirth. The least of it is a spit’s amount and its maximum is a period of sixty days. The termination of the postpartum bleeding makes the purificatory bath obligatory.


The third and last matter which necessitates the purificatory bath and is specific to women is (5. Childbirth.) even if the birth was without wetness. In conclusion, the matters obligating the purificatory bath are five, as previously mentioned.


[1] However this obligation is time tolerant.