Cleaning Oneself after Defecation and Urination (Istinja’)

English Text By Jul 11, 2015

Cleaning Oneself after Defecation and Urination (Istinja)) a chapter in explaining that which necessitates Istinja’ and in elucidating its conditions.


(Istinja’ is obligatory) when wanting to start praying, (of any wet material) that contaminates the eliminatory outlets, (emitting from any of the two eliminatory outlets), the penis/ vagina, or the anus, whether it was common, like urine, or not, like blood. On the other hand, that which is not wet does not necessitate istinja’ because it is not contaminating; (except maniyy.) it is not obligatory to make istinja’ from it because it is pure. (Istinja’ is performed) by one of two things, either (with water) which is pure and purifying, i.e. (by rinsing the soiled area until it becomes pure), whether the penis/vagina or the anus until the removal of the entity of the najas-filth and its characteristics (or else one must wipe the soiled area) i.e. the contaminated area (three times) no less than three times, (or more) than three times if the area was not cleaned by only three times, (until the area is clean (although a trace may be left),) such a trace is only removed with water or small pieces of baked clay i.e. pottery; and the wiping of the soiled area is done (with an uprooting,) hence that which is not uprooting does not suffice, like glass, or bamboo, or sand. (pure,) hence using a najas-filthy entity does not suffice, like dry camel droppings, or that which has najas-filth on it like a najas filthy rock (solid,) hence that which is liquid like rosewater or wet, like a wet rag, does not suffice; (and unrespectable material) hence it is not permissible nor does it suffice to make istinja’ with a respectable material like religious books and that which is sought as human food, like bread and the like. These four conditions are present in material (such as a stone or paper.) Because both are uprooting, pure, solid, and unrespectable material. (Istinja’ may be performed in this way) –note that istinja’ is valid with stone (even if water is present, provided the najas-filth (najasah)) i.e. the emitted material, (has not dried out and is not displaced from the place it resided) i.e. if the emitted material is displaced and whether attached or detached from the area it resided, it is an obligation to use water in both situations to clean the said displaced material. On the other hand, if the material, like urine and the like, was not displaced and did not go past the glans of the penis of the man, or reach the place of sexual intercourse for the woman, nor did the feces go past what does not appear from the buttocks when standing, (or) i.e. and the material, (has not dried out before cleaning it,) then using stone or its substitute suffices, (or else water must be used.) for istinja’.