Among the rules pertaining to the apostate is that the (marriage) contract is immediately invalidated upon either one of the spouses apostatizing (before the marital consummation

English Text By Jul 08, 2015

Also among the rules pertaining to the apostate is that (as a result of apostasy), i.e., by apostatizing, (the apostate invalidates his Fast “Sawm”), because fasting is not valid from a non-Muslim.  Likewise, the apostate’s (dry purification “tayammum”) is invalidated.  However his ablution “wudu” is not invalidated by his apostasy.  Therefore, the one who apostatized after making ablution and then returned to Islam without having done anything that invalidates that ablution still has a valid ablution.

Among the rules pertaining to the apostate is that the (marriage) contract is immediately invalidated upon either one of the spouses apostatizing (before the marital consummation), i.e., before the first sexual intercourse between them.  If they want to be married again, a new marriage contract must be performed after the one who apostatized returns to Islam(And) apostasy also invalidates the (marriage after the marital consummation if one did not return to Islam within the post-marital waiting period “^iddah”). If the spouse who committed apostasy did not return to Islam before the end of the post-marital waiting period, and they want to be married again, a new marriage contract must be performed after the one who apostatized returns to Islam.  However, if the spouse who apostatized returned to Islam before the termination of the post-martial waiting period, it is known then that the original marriage contract is still valid.  The post-marital waiting period is three periods of cleanliness for the menstruating woman, three lunar months for the non-menstruating woman, and for the pregnant woman until she gives birth.  (The marriage contract of an apostate, male or female, is not valid with a Muslim or a non-Muslim) even with an apostate like himself.

Furthermore, among the rules pertaining to the apostate is that (it is unlawful “haram” to eat from what the apostate slaughters), and such a slaughter is judged as maytah (inedible meat).  Also, (the apostate does not inherit) his dead Muslim relatives (and one’s), i.e., the apostate’s (wealth is not inherited) by his Muslim relatives or anyone else.  The (one) who is an apostate (is not prayed for), i.e., it is not permissible to pray for the dead apostate because he died as a blasphemer.  It is not an obligation for him to be (washed), but doing so is permissible. It is also not an obligation for him to be (shrouded), but doing so is permissible. (N)(or) is it permissible for him to be (buried in Islamic cemeteries) because he is not a Muslim.

(One’s), i.e., the dead apostate’s (money will be) put (in the sound Muslim treasury). However, (in the absence of a sound treasury), as has been the case for Muslims for a long time now, (a pious), honest (man) who knows how the money is to be spent properly (will take it and spend it for Muslims’ interests if) he is (able to do that).