Elucidating the rules of repentance

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

Elucidating the rules of repentance


(Immediate repentance from) all of (the sins) whether small or enormous, (is obligatory upon every accountable person.) (It comprises of:) i.e.the integrals of repentance are:

1- (regretting the sin,) for one to have regret and remorse for disobeying the order(s) of Allah;

2- (quitting it,) i.e. leaving the sin immediately; (and)

3- (intending not to return to it) the sin (again.)


(If the sin was leaving out an obligation) like the obligatory prayer or the obligatory fasting, one must do the aforementioned, i.e. the three integrals of repentance and (one makes it up.) i.e. he makes up the obligation that was neglected, immediately. (If it involved a right to a human,) like if one forcefully took another’s money, he must do the aforementioned, i.e. the three integrals of repentance, and (one must satisfy that right) i.e. return the taken entity, if it still existed, or to reimburse the owner with its replacement; (or seek the person’s satisfaction.) like if one harms another with his speech, he performs the three integrals of repentance and asks the other’s forgiveness.


Allah is clear of all non-befitting attributes, praise and thanks to Him, for He is the Lord of the Worlds.