Among the sins of the hands are:

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

Among the sins of the hands are:

1. (To short-cheat when measuring by volume, weight, or arm length;) such that when one buys from another he receives all of what he deserves completely, but when he sells to another, he short-delivers the item by cheating the buyer out of some of what he deserves, receiving from him the complete value of the item and delivering to the buyer the item incomplete.

2. (To steal;)
stealing is taking another’s money in a stealthy, concealed manner; (if one steals the equivalent of one-quarter of a) pure golden (Dinar from its secured place,) the secured place in this context refers to the place in which such people usually safe-keep items similar to the stolen item. The religious punishment for stealing in this case is that (one’s) i.e. the thief’s (right hand will be amputated.) from his wrist, i.e. from the radius bone adjacent to the thumb. Then, (If one steals again,) for the second time, after he has been punished, (the left foot will be amputated,) from the ankle, i.e. the bone protruding from the side of the foot, below the shin; (then [for the third stealing]) as a punishment (one’s left hand,) is amputated from the wrist; (then [for the fourth stealing] one’s right foot;) is amputated from the ankle. Thereafter, if he steals for the fifth time, he is punished by the Muslim ruler.


3. )To loot;( Looting is to take the money of others overtly.

4. (To take the money of others by force;)
i.e. to unrightfully seize the legitimate belongings of other’s by force.

5. (To take the traders tax-maks);)
i.e. that which is taken unrightfully by unjust rules from the goods traded by people and the like, like seizing ten percent of their value for example. 

6. (To misappropriate the spoils of war (ghulul);)
i.e. to take from the spoils of battle before they are distributed in the proper, religious manner.

7. (To kill;)
unrightfully; (an expiation-kaffarah) is always due for killing,) if the killed person was a Muslim. The expiation due for killing is due absolutely, i.e. whether the perpetrator killed deliberately or accidentally by assault, or by mistake[1]; (i.e.) the expiation is (to free a Muslim slave) male or female, (who has no defects;) which clearly negatively impact his or her ability earning or work; (if unable,) to free such a slave, (one fasts two consecutive lunar months.)

(Deliberate killing) the deliberate killing occurs when the perpetrator purposefully intends the person subject of the crime with the killing, with that which usually causes death. The deliberate killing of a Muslim (is punishable by death, except if the heirs of the killed person forgive the killer for an indemnity-diyah) i.e. with the condition that he pays a certain payment, (or) they forgive him (for free.) Thus, the perpetrator who killed deliberately is not punished by death if the heirs forgive him for an indemnity or for free.


(In the cases of killing by mistake) i.e. that which occurs when the killer did not intend to kill the deceased at all by his action, (and the accidental killing by assault,) i.e. that which occurs when the killer intends the killed person with that which does not usually cause death. The killer is not punished with death in these two cases. Rather, (the due indemnity-diyah is one-hundred (100) camels for the free, male Muslim) who is not already sentenced by death, (and half of that for the free, female Muslim.) who is not already sentenced by death. (The indemnity varies with {the type of killing took place};)

8. (To beat) or frighten (a) Muslim (person unjustly;)

9. (To take and to give a bribe;)
a bribe is money paid to prevent justice. On the other hand, if one paid a bribe in order to obtain his right or to ward-off  injustice from being done to him, he is not sinful for that.

10. (To burn an animal,)
even a small animal, (unless there was no other way to avoid) and prevent (its harm;) other than to burn it.

11. (To dismember an animal;)
i.e. to cut its organs and to change the appearance of the features.

12. (To play with the die)
i.e. dice (or anything which contains gambling,) like that which involves both sides betting money, which is then taken by the winner, (including children’s games;) which have the format of rolling dice or gambling. It is not permissible for the guardian to enable the child to play with such games. Also, it is unlawful to be involved in what is called   the lottery, and racehorse betting.

13. (To play unlawful musical instruments)
among what people play (like the tanbura, rabab, flute, and instruments with strings;(

14. )To intentionally touch a marriageable woman)
the marriageable-ajnabiyyah woman is a woman other than those whom one is never allowed to marry, like other than his sister, and other than his wife and the like. If a man touched a marriageable woman intentionally (without a barrier) whether with or without desire, (or) also (to touch her lustfully with a barrier) such touching is unlawful; (even if the person in this case is a non-marriageable kin) like for a man to touch a non-marriageable woman to him with desire, like for him to touch his sister with desire, (or of the same sex;) like for a man to touch another man with desire, or for a woman to touch another woman with desire.

15. (To depict that which has a soul;)
whether the depiction was three-dimensional or not.

16. (To refrain from paying one’s Zakah or)
to refrain from paying (part of one’s Zakah) while paying the rest (after it)’s time to be paid (is due when one is able to pay it,) while doing so without an religiously valid reason; (or to pay an invalid Zakah,) i.e. to pay other than what is prescribed to pay in regards to that which Zakah is due; (or to give the Zakah to those who do not deserve it;) like giving it those who will use it to build a mosque.

17. (To refuse to pay an employee his pay;)
to which he is entitled.

18. (To refuse to give the)
needy person that which fulfills his needs, like refusing to give the (starving) person (what fulfills his hunger) so as for him to ward off death, (and to refrain from saving a drowning person without an excuse in both cases;) However if one had an excuse, he is not sinful.


19. (To write what is prohibited to say;)
among gossip and other than that, using any writing instrument, including typing instruments and the like.

20. (To betray, which is
the opposite of giving sincere advice, and this includes) betraying by way of (deeds,) done, like by unrightfully taking that which another placed with one for safekeeping; or to betray by way of (sayings,) like by denying that an item was placed with one for safekeeping; (and) to betray by way of (conditions.) by one eluding others to believe that for example, he is qualified to care for a trust, when truthfully he is not.


[1] One is not sinful for killing another by mistake.