Among the sins of the ear are:

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

Among the sins of the ear are:

1. (To listen to the private conversation) to listen to the dialogue between people, (which others) which such people do not want others to hear, rather they (meant to hide;) their conversation. Doing so is a type of unlawful spying.

2. (To listen to the flute, tambura,)
because they are among the unlawful enchanting instruments; (which is) the tambura is (an) enchanting (instrument that resembles the lute;) and has strings; (and) it is unlawful to listen to (the rest of the unlawful sounds;)

3. (To listen to gossip- ghibah about a Muslim that one hates to be said, or to talebearing- namimah that stirs up enmity among Muslims, and the like.)
both of these sins are among the sins of the tongue, and listening to them being committed without forbidding them with the ability to do so is among the sins of the ear. (On the contrary, one is not sinful if he hears this involuntarily) without purposefully aiming to hear it, (and hates it,) in his heart (but if one is able, then one must renounce it.) by forbidding it with his hand, if he was not able, then with his tongue, if he was not able, then with his heart, at which point he must leave the session in which the unlawful matters were occurring.