Among the sins of the eye are:

English Text By Jul 04, 2015

Among the sins of the eye are:

1. (For men to look at the faces and hands of marriageable women) a marriageable woman-ajnabiyyah i.e. other than the women whom they are not permitted to marry under any circumstances; (with desire) i.e. with enjoyment, at their faces and hands. However, it is not unlawful to look there without desire, because the hands and the face are not part of a woman’s unlawful nakedness-^awrah; (and) it is unlawful to look (at other parts of their bodies) i.e. other than the face and the hands, absolutely without restriction  i.e. (with or without desire;) and it is known that one’s wife is not intended here, because it is permissible for the husband to look at his wife with desire, as well as his female slave who is unmarried; (similarly, for women to look between the navel and the knees of marriageable men with or without desire) i.e. absolutely without restriction (and to look at other parts of their bodies with desire;) it is not unlawful for women to look at other than what is between the navel and the knees of marriageable men except if it was with desire.

2. It is unlawful (To look at the unlawful nakedness-^awrahs);) even among the same gender, like for a man to look at what is between the navel and the knees of another man, or for a woman to look at what is between the navel and the knees of another woman.

3. It is unlawful (For a man or woman to needlessly uncover his/her private parts in private.) i.e. in regards to a man, the penis and the anus, as for other than the man, what is between the navel and the knees. Such is the case if this was done in private without any need, however if a need existed, like for one to do so in order to cool down for example, then it is permissible.


(On the other hand, one may look without desire,) if one was looking (at other than the area between the navel and the knees of the non-marriageable person) like a father with his daughter, (or the person of the same sex;) like a man with another man, or a Muslim woman with another Muslim woman. However, if the looking is with desire, it is unlawful.

4. It is unlawful (To look down on a Muslim;) because he is poor for example.

It is unlawful (To look into someone else’s house) at that which the owner of the house is harmed by one looking at it, (without his permission, or to look at something one kept hidden.) i.e. at that which he is harmed if another looks at it without his permission.