The Miracle’s Substantiation of the Truthfulness of the Prophet and its Definitiveness and Certainty

English Text By Jul 02, 2015

The Miracle’s Substantiation of the Truthfulness of the Prophet and its Definitiveness and Certainty

The supernatural matter that occurs for the one who claims Prophethood when challenged, without any possible opposition by something similar to it, is as if Allah Said, “My slave is truthful in everything that he conveyed from Me.” This means that had it not been that he was truthful in his claim, then Allah would not have Made this Miracle appear for him. So it is as if Allah Said, “This slave of mine is truthful in his claim of Prophethood because I have made this Miracle appear from him,” because the one who deems the liar truthful is a liar, and it is impossible that Allah would be a liar. So that proves that Allah only Created the Miracle for deeming his Prophets as truthful, because every sane person knows that reviving the dead, and transforming a stick into a serpent, and bringing a she-camel out of a solid boulder, are not normal.

The Way to Know the Miracle by Definitiveness and Certainty

The knowledge of the occurrence of the Miracles takes place by observation, in reference to those who witnessed it, and by way of tawatur in reference to whoever did not witness it. This is like our knowledge of the far-off lands and the confirmed historical events that took place to the people before us among the kings and the nations. The information that is narrated by tawatur replaces witnessing. So, mentally, it is a necessity to accept, in the heart, the one who came with the miracle, just as it is religiously necessary.