What is Necessary for the Prophets and what is Impossible for Them

English Text By Jul 02, 2015

What is Necessary for the Prophets and what is Impossible for Them

Truthfulness is necessary for the Prophets, and lying is impossible for them; and intelligence is necessary for them, and dullness and stupidity is impossible for them; and trustworthiness is necessary for them; and so the prophets are clear of blasphemy, major sins, and demeaning small sins. This is the necessary impeccability for them, and treachery is impossible to be an attribute of theirs.  The Protection is necessary for them; despicability, foolishness and cowardice are impossible for them, and they are clear of everything that repels the people from accepting the Call from them.  Likewise, it is impossible that they would be attributed with any repulsive sickness.  So anyone who attributes to them lying, treachery, despicability, foolishness, cowardice, or the likes of that, has blasphemed.