From the childhood of The Great Prophet من طفولة النبي الأعظم صلى الله عليه وسلم

Arabic English Text By Nov 19, 2009

من طفولة النبي الأعظم صلى الله عليه وسلم

 From the childhood of

The Great Prophet

Sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam 

 الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد رسول الله وبعد… 

فقد وُلِدَ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يتيم الأب فربته امه ءامنة، ولما بلغ ست سنين توفيت أمه فرعاه جده عبد المطلب ورق عليه رقةً لم يرقّها على ولده، وكان يقرّبه منه ويدنيه، وكان يوضع لعبد المطلب فراش في ظل الكعبة وبنوه يجلسون حوله، وكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو طفل يأتي ويجلس على هذا الفراش فيأخذه أعمامه ليؤخّروه عنه، فيقول عبد المطلب: دعوا حفيدي، فواللهِ إن له شأنا كبيرًا، ثم يجلسه معه ويمسح ظهره بيده. 

    وأتى يومًا قوم من بني مُدلج وهم يعرفون بالاثار هذا وقالوا لعبد المطلب: احتفظ بحفيدك هذا، فإننا لم نرَ قدمًا أشبه بالقدم التي في مقام إبراهيم قرب الكعبة من قدمه، فقال عبد المطلب لأبي طالب: اسمع ما يقول هؤلاء. 

    ولما توفي عبد المطلب كفل أبو طالب سيدنا محمدًا صلى الله عليه وسلم وضمّه إلى أبنائه فأحبه حبًا شديدًا، وكان أبو طالب إذا أراد أن يُغَذّي أبناءه أو يُعَشّيَهم يقول لهم: ابقوا كما أنتم حتى يحضر محمد فإذا اتى اكل معهم، فيبقى من الطعام الكثير، وإذا لم يكن معهم أنهوا الطعام ولم يشبعوا، فيقول أبو طالب: إنك مبارك. وكان أبناء أبي طالب إذا قاموا من نومهم كان على اعينهم الرمص وقد تشعّثت شعورهم، واما رسول الله فيقوم وهو مكحول العين معطَّرًا مهذَّب الشعر صلى الله عليه وسلم.


From the childhood of The Great Prophet Sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam: 

    Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds, I humbly ask Allah to raise the rank of our Master Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam, his kind Al and his Companions. 

    The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam was born as an orphan after the death of his father, so his mother `Aminah raised him until she died when he was six years old. Then his grandfather ^Abdul-Mutalib took care of him showing sympathy towards him that he never showed towards his own sons. ^Abdul-Mutalib used to sit on a mattress in the shade of the Ka^bah while his sons sitting around him. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam used to come and sit on that mattress, his uncles would then try to keep him off it, ^Abdul-Mutalib would say: “Leave my grandson, I swear by Allah that he has a great status.”, he would then seat the Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam next to him and wipe his back with his hand. 

    One day some people from Bani Mudlij, who have a knowledge about the traces and the signs, came and said to ^Abdul-Mutalib: “Take good care of this grandson, for we have never seen a foot trace at Maqam Ibrahim beside the Ka^bah which is more similar than his foot.” ^Abdul-Mutalib then said to Abu Talib: “Listen to what they say. 

    When ^Abdul-Mutalib died Abu Talib took care of our Master Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam, he added him to his sons, and loved him so much. Whenever Abu Talib wanted to have lunch or dinner with his kids, he would tell them: “Stay as you are until Muhammad comes.” If he comes he would eat with them and much food will be left. If he would not eat with them, they will finish eating and still feel hungry. Abu Talib would say: “You are blessed. 

    Whenever the kids of Abu Talib used to wake up they will have the mucus in their eyes and their hair would be untidy. While the Messenger of Allah would wake up with his eyes anointed with kuhul, perfumed, and his hair will be tidy sallallahu ^alayhi wa salam.