The foundation of the Creed is not based on delusion; rather, it is based on what is dictated by the sound mind

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

The foundation of the Creed is not based on delusion; rather, it is based on what is dictated by the sound mind, which is a witness for [the validity of the truthfulness of] the Religious Law. The sound mind judges that what is limited is in need of whoever limited it with that limit, so it would not be God.

Just as Allah’s Existence without a place is valid before He Created places and directions, His Existence after Creating the places is valid without a place or a direction. This would not be a negation of Allah’s Existence, as claimed by the Likeners and the Wahhabiyys, the callers to ascribing a body to Allah in this time.

The judgment of whoever says that Allah the Exalted is everywhere, or in all places, is a charge of blasphemy if one understands from this expression that Allah by His Self is spread or dwelling in all places. However, if one understood from this expression that Allah has control over everything and that He is knowledgeable about everything, then he does not blaspheme; this is the intent of many who are fond of these two expressions. In any case, it is obligatory to forbid them from saying it, because these statements are not originally from the Salaf; rather, they originally came from the Mu^tazilah, then the ignorant lay people started to use them.