
Tawhid – Creed

For the Likeners to say that Allah sits on the ^Arsh is insulting Him

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

, Allah is not granted an honor by any of His creation and He does not benefit from any of His creation. For the Likeners to say that Allah sits on the ^Arsh is insulting Him, because sitting is the attribute of humans, animals, jinn, and vermin. Every attribute of the creation, if attributed to Allah, is insulting Him. The…

The false hood of those who interpret the hadith of the slave woman saying Fissama’ by “fawqal ^arsh”

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

The Likeners have taken the narration of Muslim by its apparent meaning and were then misguided, and what they say does not save them from misguidance. They say, “We interpret the statement, ‘fis-sama’,’ in the hadith as ‘fawqal-^Arsh,’ [above the ^Arsh].” [This does not protect them from misguidance] because by that they have confirmed a similar for Allah, which is…

We raise our hands in du^a’ to the sky because it is the place from which the mercy and blessings descend

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

We raise our hands in du^a’ to the sky because it is the place from which the mercy and blessings descend; it is not because the Self of Allah exists in the sky. Similarly, we direct ourselves to the honorable Ka^bah in the prayer because Allah Ordered us with that; it is not because the Ka^bah has some merit or…

The foundation of the Creed is not based on delusion; rather, it is based on what is dictated by the sound mind

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

The foundation of the Creed is not based on delusion; rather, it is based on what is dictated by the sound mind, which is a witness for [the validity of the truthfulness of] the Religious Law. The sound mind judges that what is limited is in need of whoever limited it with that limit, so it would not be God….

The evidence from the Hadith that Allah exists without a place

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

As for the evidence from the hadith, it is what was narrated with an authentic chain of narration by Al-Bukhariyy, Ibnul-Jarud, and Al-Bayhaqiyy that the Messenger of Allah said, كان الله ولم يكن شىء غيره [which means] “Allah Existed and nothing else existed.” Its meaning is that Allah never ceased to Exist Eternally.  There was none other than Him with…

The evidence from the Qur’an that Allah exists without a place.

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

Allah the Exalted is Free of needing the creation, meaning Eternally and Everlastingly He does not need anything other than Him. He does not need a place in which He would be contained, or something in which He would dwell, or a direction, because He is not like any of the different types of things. He is not a tangible…

The Eternality of Allah is not Related to Time

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

The Eternality of Allah is not Related to Time Allah the Exalted Existed Eternally without time or place and before darkness and light. Thus He is not of the tangible type within the world such as earth, stone, the stars, plants, and the human. Furthermore, He is not of the intangible type within the world, such as light, souls, air,…

Surely He (Allah) is Eternal, His Existence does not have a beginning

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

Al-Ghazaliyy[1] said in Ihya’ ^Ulumi-d-Din: Surely He (Allah) is Eternal, His Existence does not have a beginning and His Existence does not have an end, and surely He is not an entity that is contained. Rather, He is Exalted and Glorified from whatever is the attribute of the occurrences. Surely He is not a body that is composed of particles,…

The Meaning of the Two Testifications of Faith

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

The Meaning of the Two Testifications of Faith   In general, the meaning of the Testification that “no one is God except Allah” is: I confess with my tongue and I hold as a conviction and submit to it in my heart that the only rightfully worshipped One is Allah the Exalted. The meaning of the Testification that “Muhammad is…