
Tawhid – Creed

Kalam-Speech is an attribute of Allah

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

Kalam-Speech Speech is an Eternal and Everlasting Attribute. He is a Speaker by this Attribute; a Commander, Forbidder, Promiser, and Threatener. It is not like the speech of another, rather it is Eternal by the Eternality of the Self. It does not resemble the speech of the creation. It is neither a sound that takes place by the passage of…

Everlastingness is an attribute of Allah

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

Everlastingness Everlastingness is necessary for Allah, meaning that non-existence does not follow His Existence, because once it was confirmed mentally that Allah is Eternal, it was necessary that He would be Everlasting. This is because had it been possible that His Existence would be followed by non-existence, Eternity would not be applicable to Him. Therefore He is the One Who…

Eternality is an attribute of Allah

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

Eternality Eternality is necessary for Allah, meaning having no beginning. When referring to Allah [the term] Qidam does not mean a long period of time that lapsed. The expressions Qadim and Azaliyy, if used in reference to Allah, mean that Allah has no beginning for His Existence. Thus it is said that Allah is Azaliyy and Allah is Qadim. If…

Existence Is an attribute of Allah

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

Existence Know, may Allah have Mercy upon you, that Allah the Exalted is Existing Eternally and Everlastingly, so His Existence is not by the creating of a creator. Some people have considered the statement “Allah [is] Mawjud [Existent]” to be objectionable because the pattern of the word “mawjud” is the pattern dedicated for what receives the action [maf^ul]. The response…

The Thirteen Attributes of Allah

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

The Thirteen Attributes of Allah   It was the norm of the later scholars who authored works in the Creed to say that the personal obligation on every accountable person (meaning the pubescent, sane person) is to know the Thirteen Attributes among the Attributes of Allah:  Existence, Eternality, Dissimilarity to the creation, Oneness, non-neediness of others, Everlastingness, Power, Will, Life,…

Allah is the creator of the skies and does not dwell in them

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

As for the hadith that was narrated by At-Tirmidhiyy: الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن ارحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السّماء [which means] “Those who are merciful, Ar-Rahman is Merciful to them. Be merciful to whoever is on Earth and whoever is in the Sky will be merciful to you.” According to another narration, the hadith is: يرحمكم أهل السماء [which…

“Do you believe in some of the Book and disbelieve in some of it” is an address to the Jews

Arabic Text By Jun 30, 2015

Al-Bukhariyy narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: إذا كان أحدكم في صلاته فإنّه يناجي ربه فلا يبصقنّ في قبلته ولا عن يمينه فإن ربه بينه وبين قبلته [which translates literally as] “If one of you were in his prayer, then surely he is addressing his Lord. So let him not spit in the direction of his Qiblah or to his…

The book above the ^Arsh in reality, with a real aboveness

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

Among what proves that that book is above the ^Arsh in reality, with a real aboveness that cannot be explained in a way which is different than its apparent meaning, is the hadith narrated by an-Nasa’iyy in his book “As-Sunanul-Kubra”: إنّ الله كتَب كتابًا قبل أن يخلُقَ السّماواتِ والأرضَ بألفَي سنةٍ فهوَ عندَهُ على العرشِ وإنه أنزلَ من ذلك الكتاب…

There is nothing alive above the ^Arsh. There is only a book above the ^Arsh

English Text By Jun 30, 2015

There is nothing alive above the ^Arsh. There is only a book above the ^Arsh. Written in it is: إنّ رحمتي سَبَقَت غَضبي [which means] “Surely My Mercy overcomes My Punishment.” It means that the signs of Mercy are more than the signs of torture. The Angels are among the signs of Mercy, and they are more numerous than the…